Using OpenCV with the Raspberry Pi camera

// Using OpenCV with the Raspberry Pi camera
// 2015.11.21 created by Huangtao

“camera” and select “enable”

install Pi Camera:
test Pi Camera:
raspistill -t 10000
First make sure you have cmake and git installed:
sudo apt-get install cmake git
You might also need gcc/g++ in case it‘s not already installed, along with some other libraries:
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ libx11-dev libxt-dev libxext-dev libgraphicsmagick1-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev

You need the raspberry pi userland libraries:
mkdir -p ~/git/raspberrypi
cd ~/git/raspberrypi
git clone
cd userland

Build the raspicam library
mkdir -p ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
cd robidouille/raspicam_cv
mkdir objs
This will create:
libraspicamcv.a: A static raspberry cam library which provides an opencv like interface A shared library of the above
raspicamtest: A small test app which uses the static library. Execute with ./raspicamtest. Press Esc to exit.

Using the static library
Add the include path
Link with the raspicamcv library
-L$(HOME)/git/robidouille/raspicam_cv -lraspicamcv
Link with the userland libraries:
-L$(HOME)/git/raspberrypi/userland/build/lib -lmmal_core -lmmal -l mmal_util -lvcos -lbcm_host

In your code add #include "RaspiCamCV.h" and replace:
CvCapture -> RaspiCamCvCapture
cvCreateCameraCapture -> raspiCamCvCreateCameraCapture
cvQueryFrame -> raspiCamCvQueryFrame
cvReleaseCapture -> raspiCamCvReleaseCapture
cvGetCaptureProperty -> raspiCamCvGetCaptureProperty
cvSetCaptureProperty does not currently work. Use the raspiCamCvCreateCameraCapture2 method to specify width, height, framerate, bitrate and monochrome settings.

I use in this way:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "RaspiCamCV.h"

g++ `pkg-config --cflags opencv` `pkg-config --libs opencv` -I/root/git/robidouille/raspicam_cv
-L/root/git/robidouille/raspicam_cv -lraspicamcv
-L/root/git/raspberrypi/userland/build/lib -lmmal_core -lmmal -l mmal_util -lvcos -lbcm_host
-o main main.cpp


some problem:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
sudo cp ~/git/robidouille/raspicam_cv/ /usr/lib

时间: 2025-01-31 04:45:07

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