
1.  ANSI to Unicode

 1 wstring ANSIToUnicode( const string& str )
 2 {
 3  int  len = 0;
 4  len = str.length();
 5  int  unicodeLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP,
 6             0,
 7             str.c_str(),
 8             -1,
 9             NULL,
10             0 );
11  wchar_t *  pUnicode;
12  pUnicode = new  wchar_t[unicodeLen+1];
13  memset(pUnicode,0,(unicodeLen+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
14  ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP,
15          0,
16          str.c_str(),
17          -1,
18          (LPWSTR)pUnicode,
19          unicodeLen );
20  wstring  rt;
21  rt = ( wchar_t* )pUnicode;
22  delete  pUnicode;
24  return  rt;
25 }

2.  Unicode to ANSI

 1 string UnicodeToANSI( const wstring& str )
 2 {
 3  char*     pElementText;
 4  int    iTextLen;
 5  // wide char to multi char
 6  iTextLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP,
 7          0,
 8          str.c_str(),
 9          -1,
10          NULL,
11          0,
12 NULL,
13          NULL );
14  pElementText = new char[iTextLen + 1];
15  memset( ( void* )pElementText, 0, sizeof( char ) * ( iTextLen + 1 ) );
16  ::WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP,
17          0,
18          str.c_str(),
19          -1,
20          pElementText,
21          iTextLen,
22          NULL,
23          NULL );
24  string strText;
25  strText = pElementText;
26  delete[] pElementText;
27  return strText;
28 }

3.  UTF-8 to Unicode

 1 wstring UTF8ToUnicode( const string& str )
 2 {
 3  int  len = 0;
 4  len = str.length();
 5  int  unicodeLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8,
 6             0,
 7             str.c_str(),
 8             -1,
 9             NULL,
10             0 );
11  wchar_t *  pUnicode;
12  pUnicode = new  wchar_t[unicodeLen+1];
13  memset(pUnicode,0,(unicodeLen+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
14  ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8,
15          0,
16          str.c_str(),
17          -1,
18          (LPWSTR)pUnicode,
19          unicodeLen );
20  wstring  rt;
21  rt = ( wchar_t* )pUnicode;
22  delete  pUnicode;
24  return  rt;
25 }

4.  Unicode to UTF-8

 1 string UnicodeToUTF8( const wstring& str )
 2 {
 3  char*     pElementText;
 4  int    iTextLen;
 5  // wide char to multi char
 6  iTextLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8,
 7          0,
 8          str.c_str(),
 9          -1,
10          NULL,
11          0,
12          NULL,
13          NULL );
14  pElementText = new char[iTextLen + 1];
15  memset( ( void* )pElementText, 0, sizeof( char ) * ( iTextLen + 1 ) );
16  ::WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8,
17          0,
18          str.c_str(),
19          -1,
20          pElementText,
21          iTextLen,
22          NULL,
23          NULL );
24  string strText;
25  strText = pElementText;
26  delete[] pElementText;
27  return strText;
28 }
时间: 2025-01-12 18:16:06



所谓的短字符,就是用8bit来表示的字符,典型的应用是ASCII码. 而宽字符,顾名思义,就是用16bit表示的字符,典型的有UNICODE. ********************************第一个就是宽字符到多字节字符转换函数,函数原型如下: int WideCharToMultiByte( UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, in


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