Uniform Resource Name Server

HTTP The Definitive Guide

按址标识 identify by address

按名标识 identify by name

Domain Name Server


The ln command is a standard Unix command utility used to create a hard link (link) or a symbolic link (symlink) to an existing file.[1] The use of a hard link allows multiple filenames to be associated with the same file since a hard link points to the inode of a given file, the data of which is stored on disk. On the other hand, symbolic links are special files that refer to other files by name.[2]


符号链接 软链接 指向另一个不同路径文件的一个符号路径

硬链接 一个存储了链接建立时它所指向文件的实际数据的文件副本



uniform resource identifier URI 统一资源标识符

uniform resource locator    URL 统一资源定位符

uniform resource name      URN 统一资源名

A URN serves as a unique name for a particular piece of content, independent of where the resource currently resides. These location-independent URNs allow resources to move from place to place. URNs also allow resources to be accessed by multiple network access protocols while maintaining the same name.  For example, the following URN might be used to name the Internet standards document "RFC 2141" regardless of where it resides (it may even be copied in several places): 
URNs are still experimental and not yet widely adopted. To work effectively, URNs need a supporting infrastructure to resolve resource locations; the lack of such an infrastructure has also slowed their adoption. But URNs do hold some exciting promise for the future.

时间: 2024-08-25 06:34:35

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Uniform resource name

A uniform resource identifier (URI) is a uniform resource locator(定位器,探测器) (URL), uniform resource name (URN), or both. In computing, a uniform resource name (URN) is the historical name for a uniform resource identifier (URI) that uses the urn schem

Uniform Resource Locator

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