IDP-ASE(haplotyping and quantifying allele-specific expression at the gene and gene isoform level by hybrid sequencing)VCF File GPD File in Extended Format.


1, 2,

  1. VCF File
  2. GPD File in Extended Format. You can utilize the accompanying script to convert from regular GPD to extended GPD.
     julia ~/.julia/v0.4/IDPASE/scripts/convert_gpd.jl mygpd.gpd > newgpd.gpd
  3. PSL alignment file of your hybrid-Seq data. You can convert from SAM/BAM to psl using libraries such as Au-public utilties in particular the script.
  4. FASTQ file of your hybrid-Seq data

      Annotation fileGenepred file in extended format

      VCF fileList of biallelic, exonic SNPs in VCF format -------(#通过ANNOVAR对all_snp.vcf文件进行注释得到)

时间: 2024-08-23 12:22:13

IDP-ASE(haplotyping and quantifying allele-specific expression at the gene and gene isoform level by hybrid sequencing)VCF File GPD File in Extended Format.的相关文章

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Preface Diego Elio?"Flameeyes"?Pettenò Author and Publisher?<[email protected]> SRC= David J.?"user99"?Cozatt Miscellaneous Editing?<[email protected]> Copyright ? 2009-2013 Diego Elio Pettenò