cmake 查看配置选项

cmake 查看配置选项可以用如下命令

cmake . -LH


> cmake -h
    cmake version 2.6-patch 4


  cmake [options] <path-to-source>
  cmake [options] <path-to-existing-build>

  -C <initial-cache>          = Pre-load a script to populate the cache.
  -D <var>:<type>=<value>     = Create a cmake cache entry.
  -U <globbing_expr>          = Remove matching entries from CMake cache.
  -G <generator-name>         = Specify a makefile generator.
  -Wno-dev                    = Suppress developer warnings.
  -Wdev                       = Enable developer warnings.
  -E                          = CMake command mode.
  -i                          = Run in wizard mode.
  -L[A][H]                    = List non-advanced cached variables.
  -N                          = View mode only.
  -P <file>                   = Process script mode.
  --graphviz=[file]           = Generate graphviz of dependencies.
  --system-information [file] = Dump information about this system.
  --debug-trycompile          = Do not delete the try compile directories..
  --debug-output              = Put cmake in a debug mode.
  --trace                     = Put cmake in trace mode.
  --help-command cmd [file]   = Print help for a single command and exit.
  --help-command-list [file]  = List available listfile commands and exit.
  --help-commands [file]      = Print help for all commands and exit.
  --help-compatcommands [file]= Print help for compatibility commands.
  --help-module module [file] = Print help for a single module and exit.
  --help-module-list [file]   = List available modules and exit.
  --help-modules [file]       = Print help for all modules and exit.
  --help-custom-modules [file]= Print help for all custom modules and exit.
  --help-policy cmp [file]    = Print help for a single policy and exit.
  --help-policies [file]      = Print help for all policies and exit.
  --help-property prop [file] = Print help for a single property and exit.
  --help-property-list [file] = List available properties and exit.
  --help-properties [file]    = Print help for all properties and exit.
  --help-variable var [file]  = Print help for a single variable and exit.
  --help-variable-list [file] = List documented variables and exit.
  --help-variables [file]     = Print help for all variables and exit.
  --copyright [file]          = Print the CMake copyright and exit.
  --help                      = Print usage information and exit.
  --help-full [file]          = Print full help and exit.
  --help-html [file]          = Print full help in HTML format.
  --help-man [file]           = Print full help as a UNIX man page and exit.
  --version [file]            = Show program name/version banner and exit.


The following generators are available on this platform:
  Unix Makefiles              = Generates standard UNIX makefiles.
  CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles = Generates CodeBlocks project files.
  Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles
                              = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.
  KDevelop3                   = Generates KDevelop 3 project files.
  KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles  = Generates KDevelop 3 project files.
时间: 2024-11-09 03:11:51

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master常用配置选项: 1 interface: 指定bind的地址(默认0.0.0.0) 2 publish_port:指定发布端口(默认4505) 3 ret_port: 指定结果返回端口,与minion配置文件的master——port对应(默认为root) 4 user: 指定master进程的运行用户,如果调整,则需要调整部分目录的权限(默认root) 5 timeout: 指定timeout时间,如果minion规模庞大或网络状况不好,建议增大该值(默认5s) 6 keep_jo


笔记内容: 14.1 NFS介绍 14.2 NFS服务端安装配置 14.3 NFS配置选项 笔记日期:2017-11-01 14.1 NFS介绍 NFS(Network File System)即网络文件系统,是FreeBSD支持的文件系统中的一种,它允许网络中的计算机之间通过TCP/IP网络共享资源.在NFS的应用中,本地NFS的客户端应用可以透明地读写位于远端NFS服务器上的文件,就像访问本地文件一样. NFS可以把A.B.C机器之间的文件数据进行共享,例如用户上传了一个文件到A机器上,用户


NFS介绍 NFS是Network File System的缩写,NFS最早由Sun公司开发,分2,3,4三个版本,2和3由Sun起草开发,4.0开始Netapp公司参与并主导开发,最新为4.1版本.NFS数据传输基于RPC协议,RPC为Remote Procedure Call的简写.NFS应用场景是:A,B,C三台机器上需要保证被访问到的文件是一样的,A共享数据出来,B和C分别去挂载A共享的数据目录,从而B和C访问到的数据和A上的一致,NFS服务需要借助RPC服务去通信. NFS服务端安装配

14.1 NFS介绍;14.2 NFS服务端安装配置;14.3 NFS配置选项

14.1 NFS介绍 1. NFS是Network File System的缩写 2. NFS最早由Sun公司开发,分2,3,4三个版本,2和3由Sun起草开发,4.0开始Netapp公司参与并主导开发,最新为4.1版本 3. NFS数据传输基于RPC协议,RPC为Remote Procedure Call的简写. 4. NFS应用场景是:A,B,C三台机器上需要保证被访问到的文件是一样的,A共享数据出来,B和C分别去挂载A共享的数据目录,从而B和C访问到的数据和A上的一致 NFS原理图: 14