NPcap是致力于采用Microsoft Light-Weight Filter (NDIS 6)技术对当前最流行的WinPcap工具包进行改进的一个项目。NPcap项目是最初2013年由Nmap网络扫描器项目(创始人Gordon Lyon)和北京大学罗杨博士发起,由Google公司赞助的一个开源项目,遵循MIT协议(与WinPcap一致)。NPcap基于WinPcap
4.1.3源码基础上开发,支持32位和64位架构,在Windows Vista以上版本的系统中,采用NDIS 6技术的NPcap能够比原有的WinPcap数据包(NDIS 5)获得更好的抓包性能,并且稳定性更好。
目前与WinPcap 4.1.3完全兼容的NPcap 1.2.1安装包下载地址:
除了支持NDIS 6技术以外,NPcap还希望增强安全相关的机制,具体包括以下几方面:
- Support for the newer NDIS 6 API rather than NDIS 4
- Privileges support so we can restrict WinPcap uses to users with Administrator access. This is similar to UNIX where you need root access to capture packets.
- No-install DLL support would allow Pcap to load and unload automatically while the application runs. Riverbed used to sell a "WinPcap Pro" edition which did that, but they have discontinued that.
- Enable Microsoft Driver Signing.
- If we release our own “NPcap”, we‘d presumably change the function entry point and external variable names so that we don‘t conflict with original WinPcap. Riverbed WinPcap Pro did this.
目前,NPcap软件的发展方向有所转变(版本号也从1.2.1从新降为0.01),由原来的替代WinPcap,到现在的试图实现与WinPcap的共存,即可同时安装在同一台Windows计算机上,NPcap甚至打算开发一个通用的网络数据包截获框架,支持包括WinPcap、NPcap、Win10Pcap在内的所有软件,由具体的上层应用,如Wireshark、Nmap自己决定要使用哪一个底层截获软件。即便如此,之前的如移植到NDIS 6上的工作仍然会在WinPcap开放源代码Repository后集成到官方代码中。
I have added the NPcap support for Nmap. Only one file is changed: \mswin32\, the repo is here:
Nmap that supports NPcap:
revision: 34614
Latest NPcap 0.01 installer:
revision: 34615
Original WinPcap 4.13 (Nmap) installer:
revision: 34615
Using this version of Nmap, type:
nmap -v -A
You will see output in your console like "Using NPCAP service for packet capturing and sending" or "Using NPF service for packet capturing and sending".
If you install NPcap and WinPcap both, nmap will use NPcap first, and you will see "Using NPCAP service for packet capturing and sending".
If you install NPcap only, you will see "Using NPCAP service for packet capturing and sending".
If you install WinPcap only, you will see "Using NPF service for packet capturing and sending".
If you install neither of them, nmap will cause error as before.
NPcap is for Windows 7 above, so test it on Win7 or Win8.