SSD Network Architecture Special Lyaers--keras version

"""Some special pupropse layers for SSD."""
import keras.backend as K
from keras.engine.topology import InputSpec
from keras.engine.topology import Layer
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

class Normalize(Layer):
    """Normalization layer as described in ParseNet paper.

    # Arguments
        scale: Default feature scale.

    # Input shape
        4D tensor with shape:
        `(samples, channels, rows, cols)` if dim_ordering=‘th‘
        or 4D tensor with shape:
        `(samples, rows, cols, channels)` if dim_ordering=‘tf‘.

    # Output shape
        Same as input
    def __init__(self, scale, **kwargs):
        if K.image_dim_ordering() == ‘tf‘:
            self.axis = 3
            self.axis = 1
        self.scale = scale
        super(Normalize, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def build(self, input_shape):
        self.input_spec = [InputSpec(shape=input_shape)]
        shape = (input_shape[self.axis],)
        init_gamma = self.scale * np.ones(shape)
        self.gamma = K.variable(init_gamma, name=‘{}_gamma‘.format(
        self.trainable_weights = [self.gamma]

    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        output = K.l2_normalize(x, self.axis)
        output *= self.gamma
        return output
#上面这个层就不多说了,在keras中自定义Layer中以及详细介绍了,下面还是说说那个产生default box的层吧
class PriorBox(Layer):
    """Generate the prior boxes of designated sizes and aspect ratios.

    # Arguments
        img_size: Size of the input image as tuple (w, h).
        min_size: Minimum box size in pixels.
        max_size: Maximum box size in pixels.
        aspect_ratios: List of aspect ratios of boxes.
        flip: Whether to consider reverse aspect ratios.
        variances: List of variances for x, y, w, h.
        clip: Whether to clip the prior‘s coordinates
            such that they are within [0, 1].

    # Input shape
        4D tensor with shape:
        `(samples, channels, rows, cols)` if dim_ordering=‘th‘
        or 4D tensor with shape:
        `(samples, rows, cols, channels)` if dim_ordering=‘tf‘.

    # Output shape
        3D tensor with shape:
        (samples, num_boxes, 8)
    def __init__(self, img_size, min_size, max_size=None, aspect_ratios=None,
                 flip=True, variances=[0.1], clip=True, **kwargs):
        if K.image_dim_ordering() == ‘tf‘:
            self.waxis = 2
            self.haxis = 1
            self.waxis = 3
            self.haxis = 2
        self.img_size = img_size
#         print "self.img_size"
#         print self.img_size
#         print "self.img_siez"
        if min_size <= 0:
            raise Exception(‘min_size must be positive.‘)
        self.min_size = min_size
        self.max_size = max_size
        self.aspect_ratios = [1.0]
        if max_size:
            if max_size < min_size:
                raise Exception(‘max_size must be greater than min_size.‘)
        if aspect_ratios:
            for ar in aspect_ratios:
                if ar in self.aspect_ratios:
                if flip:
                    self.aspect_ratios.append(1.0 / ar)
        self.variances = np.array(variances)
        self.clip = True
        super(PriorBox, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
#         print "input_shape start"
#         print input_shape
#         print "input_shape end"
        num_priors_ = len(self.aspect_ratios)
#         print "-----------------------------------"
#         print num_priors
        layer_width = input_shape[self.waxis]
#         print layer_width
        layer_height = input_shape[self.haxis]
#         print layer_height
#         print "----------------------------------"
        num_boxes = num_priors_ * layer_width * layer_height
#         print (input_shape[0], num_boxes, 8)
        return (input_shape[0], num_boxes, 8)

    def call(self, x, mask=None):
#         print dir(x)
        if hasattr(x, ‘_keras_shape‘):
            input_shape = x._keras_shape
#             print "1"
        elif hasattr(K, ‘int_shape‘):
            input_shape = K.int_shape(x)
#             print "2"
#         print input_shape
        layer_width = input_shape[self.waxis]
        layer_height = input_shape[self.haxis]
        img_width = self.img_size[0]
        img_height = self.img_size[1]
#         print img_width,img_height,layer_width,layer_height
        # define prior boxes shapes
        box_widths = []
        box_heights = []
#         print self.min_size
#         print self.aspect_ratios
        for ar in self.aspect_ratios:
            if ar == 1 and len(box_widths) == 0:
            elif ar == 1 and len(box_widths) > 0:
                box_widths.append(np.sqrt(self.min_size * self.max_size))
                box_heights.append(np.sqrt(self.min_size * self.max_size))
            elif ar != 1:
                box_widths.append(self.min_size * np.sqrt(ar))
                box_heights.append(self.min_size / np.sqrt(ar))
        box_widths = 0.5 * np.array(box_widths)
        box_heights = 0.5 * np.array(box_heights)
#         print len(box_widths)
#         print len(box_heights)
        # define centers of prior boxes
        step_x = img_width / layer_width
        step_y = img_height / layer_height
#         print step_x,step_y
#         print img_width,img_height
        linx = np.linspace(0.5 * step_x, img_width - 0.5 * step_x,
        liny = np.linspace(0.5 * step_y, img_height - 0.5 * step_y,
#         print linx.shape,liny.shape
        centers_x, centers_y = np.meshgrid(linx, liny)
        centers_x = centers_x.reshape(-1, 1)
        centers_y = centers_y.reshape(-1, 1)
#         print centers_x.shape,centers_y.shape
        # define xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax of prior boxes
        num_priors_ = len(self.aspect_ratios)
#         print num_priors
        prior_boxes = np.concatenate((centers_x, centers_y), axis=1)
#         print prior_boxes.shape
        prior_boxes = np.tile(prior_boxes, (1, 2 * num_priors_))
#         print prior_boxes.shape
        prior_boxes[:, ::4] -= box_widths
        prior_boxes[:, 1::4] -= box_heights
        prior_boxes[:, 2::4] += box_widths
        prior_boxes[:, 3::4] += box_heights
        prior_boxes[:, ::2] /= img_width
        prior_boxes[:, 1::2] /= img_height
        prior_boxes = prior_boxes.reshape(-1, 4)
        if self.clip:
            prior_boxes = np.minimum(np.maximum(prior_boxes, 0.0), 1.0)
        # define variances
        num_boxes = len(prior_boxes)
        if len(self.variances) == 1:
            variances = np.ones((num_boxes, 4)) * self.variances[0]
        elif len(self.variances) == 4:
            variances = np.tile(self.variances, (num_boxes, 1))
            raise Exception(‘Must provide one or four variances.‘)
        prior_boxes = np.concatenate((prior_boxes, variances), axis=1)
        prior_boxes_tensor = K.expand_dims(K.variable(prior_boxes), 0)
        if K.backend() == ‘tensorflow‘:
            pattern = [tf.shape(x)[0], 1, 1]
            prior_boxes_tensor = tf.tile(prior_boxes_tensor, pattern)
        elif K.backend() == ‘theano‘:
#         print prior_boxes_tensor.shape
        return prior_boxes_tensor
# print dir(PriorBox((300,300),100))
时间: 2024-11-10 00:57:37

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