13 Asynchronous Programming

  1. dotNet1.0

    1. BeginXXX/EndXXX
  2. dotNet2.0
    1. Event-Based Asynchronous Programming
    2. Asynchronous Component Pattern
    3. XXXCompleted事件/XXXAsync
  3. dotNet4.5
    1. Task-Based Asynchronous Programming:TAP
    2. 基于dotNet4.0中的Task类型
    3. 使用编译器时特性 async和await
    4. 异常处理
    5. 取消
时间: 2024-12-23 05:55:09

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The async and await keywords are just a compiler feature. The compiler creates code by using the Task class. Instead of using the new keywords, you could get the same functionality with C# 4 and methods of the Task class; it's just not as convenient.

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Task-based Asynchronous Operation in WCF z

Download source - 93.5 KB Introduction Though performance blocking and sluggishness are the tailbacks for any application, we can easily overcome these bottlenecks by using asynchronous programming. But old-style practice for asynchronous programming