GHCi Prelude学习




Prelude> :type (+)
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a



"=>"前面的Num a是表明参数的类型,

Prelude> :type 1
1 :: Num a => a


之所以会有多个->,那是因为(+)函数对象中其实包含一个更加简单的函数,比如(+) 2,这个函数的意思是“在使用(+)函数对象时,将第一个参数固定为2,这与boost中的bind类似”,而这个函数对象的类型是Num a => a->a,



Prelude> (+) 2

    No instance for (Num a0) arising from a use of `+‘
    The type variable `a0‘ is ambiguous
    Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
    Note: there are several potential instances:
      instance Num Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float‘
      instance Num Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float‘
      instance Integral a => Num (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
        -- Defined in `GHC.Real‘ three others
    In the expression: (+) 2
    In an equation for `it‘: it = (+) 2

    No instance for (Show (a0 -> a0)) arising from a use of `print‘
    Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (a0 -> a0))
    In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
Prelude> :type (+) 2
(+) 2 :: Num a => a -> a




Prelude> :type +

<interactive>:1:1: parse error on input `+‘
Prelude> :type (+)
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
Prelude> :type names
names :: [Char]
Prelude> :type head
head :: [a] -> a
Prelude> :type (head)
(head) :: [a] -> a


Prelude> :type map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]


这个函数对象包含了两个简单函数对象, (a -> b)是一个函数,可以将类型a的对象转换成类型b的对象;

(a -> b) -> [a],是另外一个函数,它的意思是“在执行整体函数对象时,将第一个参数固定为[a]”。




Prelude> let nums = [1..100]
Prelude> map ((*) 2) nums



虽然,像(+) 2这样的函数对象在多数时候,看起来并不是一个常见的用法。


Prelude> :help
 Commands available from the prompt:

   <statement>                 evaluate/run <statement>
   :                           repeat last command
   :{\n ..lines.. \n:}\n       multiline command
   :add [*]<module> ...        add module(s) to the current target set
   :browse[!] [[*]<mod>]       display the names defined by module <mod>
                               (!: more details; *: all top-level names)
   :cd <dir>                   change directory to <dir>
   :cmd <expr>                 run the commands returned by <expr>::IO String
   :ctags[!] [<file>]          create tags file for Vi (default: "tags")
                               (!: use regex instead of line number)
   :def <cmd> <expr>           define command :<cmd> (later defined command has
                               precedence, ::<cmd> is always a builtin command)
   :edit <file>                edit file
   :edit                       edit last module
   :etags [<file>]             create tags file for Emacs (default: "TAGS")
   :help, :?                   display this list of commands
   :info [<name> ...]          display information about the given names
   :issafe [<mod>]             display safe haskell information of module <mod>
   :kind <type>                show the kind of <type>
   :load [*]<module> ...       load module(s) and their dependents
   :main [<arguments> ...]     run the main function with the given arguments
   :module [+/-] [*]<mod> ...  set the context for expression evaluation
   :quit                       exit GHCi
   :reload                     reload the current module set
   :run function [<arguments> ...] run the function with the given arguments
   :script <filename>          run the script <filename>
   :type <expr>                show the type of <expr>
   :undef <cmd>                undefine user-defined command :<cmd>
   :!<command>                 run the shell command <command>

 -- Commands for debugging:

   :abandon                    at a breakpoint, abandon current computation
   :back                       go back in the history (after :trace)
   :break [<mod>] <l> [<col>]  set a breakpoint at the specified location
   :break <name>               set a breakpoint on the specified function
   :continue                   resume after a breakpoint
   :delete <number>            delete the specified breakpoint
   :delete *                   delete all breakpoints
   :force <expr>               print <expr>, forcing unevaluated parts
   :forward                    go forward in the history (after :back)
   :history [<n>]              after :trace, show the execution history
   :list                       show the source code around current breakpoint
   :list identifier            show the source code for <identifier>
   :list [<module>] <line>     show the source code around line number <line>
   :print [<name> ...]         prints a value without forcing its computation
   :sprint [<name> ...]        simplifed version of :print
   :step                       single-step after stopping at a breakpoint
   :step <expr>                single-step into <expr>
   :steplocal                  single-step within the current top-level binding
   :stepmodule                 single-step restricted to the current module
   :trace                      trace after stopping at a breakpoint
   :trace <expr>               evaluate <expr> with tracing on (see :history)

 -- Commands for changing settings:

   :set <option> ...           set options
   :seti <option> ...          set options for interactive evaluation only
   :set args <arg> ...         set the arguments returned by System.getArgs
   :set prog <progname>        set the value returned by System.getProgName
   :set prompt <prompt>        set the prompt used in GHCi
   :set editor <cmd>           set the command used for :edit
   :set stop [<n>] <cmd>       set the command to run when a breakpoint is hit
   :unset <option> ...         unset options

  Options for ‘:set‘ and ‘:unset‘:

    +m            allow multiline commands
    +r            revert top-level expressions after each evaluation
    +s            print timing/memory stats after each evaluation
    +t            print type after evaluation
    -<flags>      most GHC command line flags can also be set here
                         (eg. -v2, -fglasgow-exts, etc.)
                    for GHCi-specific flags, see User‘s Guide,
                    Flag reference, Interactive-mode options

 -- Commands for displaying information:

   :show bindings              show the current bindings made at the prompt
   :show breaks                show the active breakpoints
   :show context               show the breakpoint context
   :show imports               show the current imports
   :show modules               show the currently loaded modules
   :show packages              show the currently active package flags
   :show language              show the currently active language flags
   :show <setting>             show value of <setting>, which is one of
                                  [args, prog, prompt, editor, stop]
   :showi language             show language flags for interactive evaluation


Prelude> :show modules
Prelude> :show context

Prelude> :show bindings
names :: [Char] = "Daniel King"
nums :: [Integer] = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : ....
it :: [Integer] = 2 : 4 : 6 : 8 : 10 : ....
Prelude> :show imports
import Prelude -- implicit
Prelude> :show packages
active package flags: none
Prelude> :show languages
base language is: Haskell2010
with the following modifiers:


Prelude> foldl ((+)) 0 [1..100]


Prelude> :type map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Prelude> :type filter
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
Prelude> :type foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Prelude> :type foldl
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a



Prelude> filter ((>) 50) nums


Prelude> :type foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Prelude> foldr (:) "King" [‘D‘,‘a‘,‘n‘,‘i‘,‘e‘,‘l‘, ‘ ‘]
"Daniel King"



GHCi Prelude学习

时间: 2024-10-08 10:17:10

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