在Live555的实现中, 用户信息由如下类维护,其提供增删查的接口。realm默认值为"LIVE555 Streaming Media"
class UserAuthenticationDatabase { public: UserAuthenticationDatabase(char const* realm = NULL, Boolean passwordsAreMD5 = False); // If "passwordsAreMD5" is True, then each password stored into, or removed from, // the database is actually the value computed // by md5(<username>:<realm>:<actual-password>) virtual ~UserAuthenticationDatabase(); virtual void addUserRecord(char const* username, char const* password); virtual void removeUserRecord(char const* username); virtual char const* lookupPassword(char const* username); // returns NULL if the user name was not present char const* realm() { return fRealm; } Boolean passwordsAreMD5() { return fPasswordsAreMD5; } protected: HashTable* fTable; char* fRealm; Boolean fPasswordsAreMD5; };
OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
User-Agent: LibVLC/2.1.3 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2014.01.21)
RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 2
Date: Sat, May 31 2014 14:16:42 GMT
DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 3
User-Agent: LibVLC/2.1.3 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2014.01.21)
Accept: application/sdp
RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
CSeq: 3
Date: Sat, May 31 2014 14:16:43 GMT
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="LIVE555 Streaming Media", nonce="73724068291777415fec38a1593568e5"
DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 4
Authorization: Digest username="zjh", realm="LIVE555 Streaming Media", nonce="73724068291777415fec38a1593568e5", uri="rtsp://", response="b8c755d897abddd0206954bab0e0b763"
User-Agent: LibVLC/2.1.3 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2014.01.21)
Accept: application/sdp
lookupPassword(zjh) returned password 123
RTSP的鉴权发生在DESCRIBE命令之时,在收到DESCRIBE命令时,如果不需要处理鉴权,则直接就走到第6步,生成SDP信息,发送RTSP/1.0 200 OK及SDP信息并等待下一步的setup命令了。
如果需要鉴权则检查是否对本连接生成过nonce随机数,即是否已挑战过。如果没有则发送RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized,同时发送的内容中包含server指定的realm以及产生的随机数nonce。WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="LIVE555 Streaming Media", nonce="73724068291777415fec38a1593568e5"
Boolean RTSPServer::RTSPClientConnection::authenticationOK(char const* cmdName, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr) { if (!fOurServer.specialClientAccessCheck(fClientInputSocket, fClientAddr, urlSuffix)) { setRTSPResponse("401 Unauthorized"); return False; } // If we weren't set up with an authentication database, we're OK: <span style="color:#3333ff;">UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDB = fOurServer.getAuthenticationDatabaseForCommand(cmdName);</span> if (authDB == NULL) return True; char const* username = NULL; char const* realm = NULL; char const* nonce = NULL; char const* uri = NULL; char const* response = NULL; Boolean success = False; do { <span style="color:#3333ff;">// To authenticate, we first need to have a nonce set up // from a previous attempt: if (fCurrentAuthenticator.nonce() == NULL) </span><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>break;</strong></span><span style="color:#3333ff;"> // Next, the request needs to contain an "Authorization:" header, // containing a username, (our) realm, (our) nonce, uri, // and response string:</span> <span style="color:#3333ff;">if (!parseAuthorizationHeader(fullRequestStr, username, realm, nonce, uri, response) || username == NULL || realm == NULL || strcmp(realm, fCurrentAuthenticator.realm()) != 0 || nonce == NULL || strcmp(nonce, fCurrentAuthenticator.nonce()) != 0 || uri == NULL || response == NULL) { break; } // Next, the username has to be known to us: char const* password = authDB->lookupPassword(username); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "lookupPassword(%s) returned password %s\n", username, password); #endif if (password == NULL) break; fCurrentAuthenticator.setUsernameAndPassword(username, password, authDB->passwordsAreMD5()); // Finally, compute a digest response from the information that we have, // and compare it to the one that we were given: char const* ourResponse = fCurrentAuthenticator.computeDigestResponse(cmdName, uri); success = (strcmp(ourResponse, response) == 0); fCurrentAuthenticator.reclaimDigestResponse(ourResponse); } while (0); delete[] (char*)realm; delete[] (char*)nonce; delete[] (char*)uri; delete[] (char*)response; if (success) { // The user has been authenticated. // Now allow subclasses a chance to validate the user against the IP address and/or URL suffix. if (!fOurServer.specialClientUserAccessCheck(fClientInputSocket, fClientAddr, urlSuffix, username)) { // Note: We don't return a "WWW-Authenticate" header here, because the user is valid, // even though the server has decided that they should not have access. setRTSPResponse("401 Unauthorized"); delete[] (char*)username; return False; } } delete[] (char*)username; if (success) return True;</span> <span style="color:#cc0000;">// If we get here, we failed to authenticate the user. // Send back a "401 Unauthorized" response, with a new random nonce:</span> <span style="color:#ff0000;">fCurrentAuthenticator.setRealmAndRandomNonce(authDB->realm()); snprintf((char*)fResponseBuffer, sizeof fResponseBuffer, "RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n" "CSeq: %s\r\n" "%s" "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", fCurrentCSeq, dateHeader(), fCurrentAuthenticator.realm(), fCurrentAuthenticator.nonce()); return False;</span> }
class RTSPServer { class RTSPClientConnection { ... protected: ... Authenticator fCurrentAuthenticator; // used if access control is needed ... }; };
// A class used for digest authentication. // The "realm", and "nonce" fields are supplied by the server // (in a "401 Unauthorized" response). // The "username" and "password" fields are supplied by the client. class Authenticator { public: Authenticator(); Authenticator(char const* username, char const* password, Boolean passwordIsMD5 = False); // If "passwordIsMD5" is True, then "password" is actually the value computed // by md5(<username>:<realm>:<actual-password>) Authenticator(const Authenticator& orig); Authenticator& operator=(const Authenticator& rightSide); virtual ~Authenticator(); void reset(); void setRealmAndNonce(char const* realm, char const* nonce); void setRealmAndRandomNonce(char const* realm); // as above, except that the nonce is created randomly. // (This is used by servers.) void setUsernameAndPassword(char const* username, char const* password, Boolean passwordIsMD5 = False); // If "passwordIsMD5" is True, then "password" is actually the value computed // by md5(<username>:<realm>:<actual-password>) char const* realm() const { return fRealm; } char const* nonce() const { return fNonce; } char const* username() const { return fUsername; } char const* password() const { return fPassword; } char const* computeDigestResponse(char const* cmd, char const* url) const; // The returned string from this function must later be freed by calling: void reclaimDigestResponse(char const* responseStr) const; private: void resetRealmAndNonce(); void resetUsernameAndPassword(); void assignRealmAndNonce(char const* realm, char const* nonce); void assignUsernameAndPassword(char const* username, char const* password, Boolean passwordIsMD5); void assign(char const* realm, char const* nonce, char const* username, char const* password, Boolean passwordIsMD5); private: char* fRealm; char* fNonce; char* fUsername; char* fPassword; Boolean fPasswordIsMD5; };
1:首先parseAuthorizationHeader得到username, realm, nonce, uri以及response。这五项均不能为空,否则鉴权失败。
char const* password = authDB->lookupPassword(username); if (password == NULL) break; fCurrentAuthenticator.setUsernameAndPassword(username, password, authDB->passwordsAreMD5());
// Finally, compute a digest response from the information that we have, // and compare it to the one that we were given: char const* ourResponse = fCurrentAuthenticator.computeDigestResponse(cmdName, uri); success = (strcmp(ourResponse, response) == 0); fCurrentAuthenticator.reclaimDigestResponse(ourResponse);
char const* Authenticator::computeDigestResponse(char const* cmd, char const* url) const { // The "response" field is computed as: // md5(md5(<username>:<realm>:<password>):<nonce>:md5(<cmd>:<url>)) // or, if "fPasswordIsMD5" is True: // md5(<password>:<nonce>:md5(<cmd>:<url>)) char ha1Buf[33]; if (fPasswordIsMD5) { strncpy(ha1Buf, password(), 32); ha1Buf[32] = '\0'; // just in case } else { unsigned const ha1DataLen = strlen(username()) + 1 + strlen(realm()) + 1 + strlen(password()); unsigned char* ha1Data = new unsigned char[ha1DataLen+1]; sprintf((char*)ha1Data, "%s:%s:%s", username(), realm(), password()); our_MD5Data(ha1Data, ha1DataLen, ha1Buf); delete[] ha1Data; } unsigned const ha2DataLen = strlen(cmd) + 1 + strlen(url); unsigned char* ha2Data = new unsigned char[ha2DataLen+1]; sprintf((char*)ha2Data, "%s:%s", cmd, url); char ha2Buf[33]; our_MD5Data(ha2Data, ha2DataLen, ha2Buf); delete[] ha2Data; unsigned const digestDataLen = 32 + 1 + strlen(nonce()) + 1 + 32; unsigned char* digestData = new unsigned char[digestDataLen+1]; sprintf((char*)digestData, "%s:%s:%s", ha1Buf, nonce(), ha2Buf); char const* result = our_MD5Data(digestData, digestDataLen, NULL); delete[] digestData; return result; }
则A=md5格式password 或 md5(<username>:<realm>:<明文password>)
这里的数据全是字符串。如ha1Data="zjh:LIVE555 Streaming Media:123" ha1Buf=md5(ha1Data)="ad68dbfd3e130bcabd2e61d19e5695fd"
ha2Data="DESCRIBE:rtsp://" ha2Buf="1d47c98b00946762aad35c10a7e61736"