
What kind ofpeople is belonging to losers? Different people own different views. Some may regard those earning less money as losers while some others may consider people in a lower status as losers. However, in my opinion, I strongly sustain the idea that losers are those not able to locate right position in the society and do things right.

Possessing a large sum of money may state that he succeeds in commerce, however, in another territory he may lose. MaYun,for instance, is famous for being the richest man of Asian, however, not capable of designing a shuttle which is the work of professional scientists.Therefore Ma is a loser when he is designing an aircraft in the position of CEO for Alibaba.

Those in higher status are easily able to obtain the respect of others unless they are in their own positions doing their own business right. Recently, many government officials with corruption issue were exposed by the press in many news reports. As a matter of fact, it is extremely hard for the civilian to confirm their triumph.

As far as I am concerned, both the rich in high status and the poor in humble status should strive to locate right position in the society and do things responsible for right. Only in this way can we escape from the title of losers.

时间: 2024-08-05 11:15:01



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这一系列教程以及素材均参考自人人素材翻译组出品的翻译教程<Unity游戏引擎的基础入门视频教程>,下载链接附在第二篇学习笔记中. 我花了30分钟做了一个中等大小的迷宫场景,不知道大家自己发挥,做的场景大小如何. 在完成场景之后,我们看到Hierarchy视图里面的东西已经满了,所以我们先来整理一下Hierarchy视图.创建一个空的游戏物体命名为Environment. 然后来到Hierarchy视图,先讲First Person Controller找到,挪到最上方,然后选中第一个物体,按住


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Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 2882   Accepted: 1466 Description Consider a single-elimination football tournament involving 2n teams, denoted 1, 2, …, 2n. In each round of the tournament, all teams still in the tourname