338. Counting Bits && 191. Number of 1 Bits

Given a non negative integer number num. For every numbers i in the range 0 ≤ i ≤ num calculate the number of 1‘s in their binary representation and return them as an array.

For num = 5 you should return [0,1,1,2,1,2].

Follow up:

  • It is very easy to come up with a solution with run time O(n*sizeof(integer)). But can you do it in linear time O(n) /possibly in a single pass?
  • Space complexity should be O(n).
  • Can you do it like a boss? Do it without using any builtin function like __builtin_popcount in c++ or in any other language.


  1. You should make use of what you have produced already.
  2. Divide the numbers in ranges like [2-3], [4-7], [8-15] and so on. And try to generate new range from previous.
  3. Or does the odd/even status of the number help you in calculating the number of 1s?

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Dynamic Programming Bit Manipulation

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(E) Number of 1 Bits

public class Solution {
    public int[] countBits(int num) {
        int[] ret = new int[num+1];
        // f(i) = f(i/2) + i%2.
        for(int i = 1; i<=num; ++i)
            ret[i] = ret[i/2]+i%2;
        return ret;

191. Number of 1 Bits

Write a function that takes an unsigned integer and returns the number of ’1‘ bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight).

For example, the 32-bit integer ’11‘ has binary representation 00000000000000000000000000001011, so the function should return 3.

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Bit Manipulation

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(E) Reverse Bits (E) Power of Two (M) Counting Bits

The signed right shift operator ">>" shifts a bit pattern to the right.

The unsigned right shift operator ">>>" shifts a zero into the leftmost position, while the leftmost position after ">>" depends on sign extension.


System.out.println(-1 >> 1);   //-1System.out.println(-1 >> 31);  //-1System.out.println(-1 >>> 29); //7System.out.println(-1 >>> 30); //3System.out.println(-1 >>> 31); //1System.out.println(-1 >>> 32); //-1,          <=> -1 >>> 0System.out.println(-1 >>> 33); //2147483647,  <=> -1 >>> 1
int n = -15;System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(n));//11111111111111111111111111110001int m = n >> 1;System.out.println(m);//-8System.out.println(n / 2);//-7System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(m));//11111111111111111111111111111000


Bit Operators:



public class Solution {
    // you need to treat n as an unsigned value
    public int hammingWeight(int n) {
        int sum = 0;
            sum += n&1;
            n = n >>> 1;
        return sum;
时间: 2024-11-18 13:20:42

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