

Error #10

对数轴的值不能为 0 或负数


  • 在对数坐标轴中出现值为 0 或负数的情况
  • 对数轴的最小值为0 或 小于 0
  • 阀值(threshold)设置为 0 或小于 0

Error #12


This error occurs if the series.data option contains object configurations and the number of points exceeds the turboThreshold. It can be fixed by either setting the turboThreshold option to a higher value, or changing your point configurations to numbers or arrays. See turboThreshold


Error #13

图表 div 渲染容器不存在

This error occurs if the chart.renderTo option is misconfigured so that Highcharts is unable to find the HTML element to render the chart in.

Error #14


This happens if you pass in a string as a data point, for example in a setup like this:

series: [{
	data: ["3", "5", "1", "6"]

Highcharts expects the data values to be numbers. The most common reason for this is that data is parsed from CSV or from a XML source, and the implementer forgot to run parseFloat on the parsed value.

For performance reasons internal type casting is not performed, and only the first value is checked (since 2.3).

Error #15


This happens when you are trying to create a line series or a stock chart where the data is not sorted in ascending X order. For performance reasons, Highcharts does not sort the data, instead it is required that the implementer pre-sorts the data.

Error #16

Highcharts 重复定义

This error happens the second time Highcharts or Highstock is loaded in the same page, so the Highcharts namespace is already defined. Keep in mind that the Highcharts.Chart constructor and all features of Highcharts are included in Highstock, so if you are running Chart and StockChart in combination, you only need to load the highstock.js file.

Error #17


This error happens when you are setting chart.type or series.type to a series type that isn‘t defined in Highcharts. A typical reason may be that your are missing the extension file where the series type is defined, for example in order to run an arearange series you need to load the highcharts-more.js file.

Error #18


This error happens when you set a series‘ xAxis or yAxis property to point to an axis that does not exist.

Error #19


This error happens when you try to apply too many ticks to an axis, specifically when you add more ticks than the axis pixel length. In practice, it doesn‘t make sense to add ticks so densely that they can‘t be distinguished from each other. One cause of the error may be that you set a tickInterval that is too small for the data value range. In general, tickPixelInterval is a better option, as it will handle this automatically. Another case is if you try to set categories on a datetime axis, which will result in Highcharts trying to add one tick on every millisecond since 1970.

Error #20

Can‘t add object point configuration to a long data series

In Highstock, if you try to add a point using the object literal configuration syntax, it works only when the number of data points is below the series‘ turboThreshold. Instead of the object syntax, use the Array syntax.

时间: 2024-10-16 11:55:29



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【转】Windows Error Code(windows错误代码详解)

本文来自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e45d1be0100i0dr.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e45d1be0100i0dt.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e45d1be0100i0dv.html 这三篇,因为格式实在太乱,因此拿来整理了一下.找这个的原因是今天在改程序的时候蹦出来个WindowsError: [Error 2],也没有说这个东西是什么错误.于是百度