Run Redis On Windows

If you go to the current version and open up the bin > release folder, you‘ll get a ZIP file containing the relevant files as well as a Word document called RedisService.docx with the following instructions:

Installing the Service


This must be the first argument on the redis-server command line. Arguments after this are passed in the order they occur to Redis when the service is launched. The service will be configured as Autostart and will be launched as "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService". Upon successful installation a success message will be displayed and Redis will exit. This command does not start the service.

For instance:

redis-server --service-install --loglevel verbose

And then later, in the same document, another example:

The following would install and start three separate instances of Redis as a service:

redis-server --service-install –service-name redisService1 –port 10001

redis-server --service-start –service-name redisService1

redis-server --service-install –service-name redisService2 –port 10002

redis-server --service-start –service-name redisService2

redis-server --service-install –service-name redisService3 –port 10003

redis-server --service-start –service-name redisService3

From what I can gather, this appears to be the new way forward rather than messing with a separate Windows service to monitor and restart the CLI.

时间: 2024-10-20 09:24:30

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Run Redis

Cmd window enter console Cd\ E: Cd E:\Graduration\Redis\github Run redis for window 64 After cmd enter to the folder of: E:\Graduration\Redis\github redis-server there will be the view as below that means redis is successful open.


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       Redis服务端目前用的是控制台程序运行,部署的时候能作为windows服务后台运行感觉更好.找到一篇文章Running Redis as a Windows Service,利用windows installer实现的.如果使用topshelf,岂不是可以兼容mono,于是自己动手写了,实现很简单,代码已发布到github上 redis-topshelf. 如何使用? 1.打卡配置文件,配置文件描述如下: 服务名称 redis.service

[傻瓜版] Redis在Windows下的开发环境配置步骤

redis默认运行在unix体系下,windows无法直接运行官方版.以下是几种解决方案, 一)Windows移植版.启动速度飞快,优先推荐使用. a) 2.6.12 是稳定版,我用来64位版做开发环境,数个月未发现重要问题.  下载地址: b) 2.8.4 是3月24发布的最新版,此版本运行时会临时占用内存大小的硬盘空间,下载地址:


一.下载 官网地址: Git地址: 注:官方无windows版本,需要windows版本的请在Git上下载.本文所用版本即是Git版本. 二.安装 将下载完毕的zip包解压至指定目录即可,如下图: 三.启动 打开cmd命令窗口,定位只Redis解压目录,执行如下命令: redis-server 可能提示内存设置错误,需先设置Redis最大内存