Installing IIS 8 on Windows Server 2012微软官方安装指导



Server Manager in Windows Server 2012 is new and accordingly, the user experience has changed as well.

This step-by-step instruction is not unique to installing IIS. It is meant to assist IIS customers with navigating through the new Server Manager quickly.

Step by Step Instructions


· Windows Server 2012 has been installed.

Workarounds for known bugs:

· There are no known bugs for this feature at this time.


To install IIS 8, use the following steps:

1. Open Server Manager.

2. Under Manage menu, select Add Roles and Features:

3. Select Role-based or Feature-based Installation:

4. Select the appropriate server (local is selected by default), as shown below:

5. Select Web Server (IIS):

6. No additional features are needed for IIS, so click Next:

7. Click Next:

8. Customize your installation of IIS, or accept the default settings that have already been selected for you, and then clickNext:

9. Click Install:

10. When the IIS installation completes, the wizard reflects the installation status:

11. Click Close to exit the wizard.

时间: 2024-08-06 20:02:16

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