[LeetCode] 534. Design TinyURL 设计短网址

Note: For the coding companion problem, please see: Encode and Decode TinyURL.

How would you design a URL shortening service that is similar to TinyURL?

TinyURL is a URL shortening service where you enter a URL such as https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl and it returns a short URL such as http://tinyurl.com/4e9iAk.


  1. For instance, "http://tinyurl.com/4e9iAk" is the tiny url for the page "https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl". The identifier (the highlighted part) can be any string with 6 alphanumeric characters containing 0-9a-zA-Z.
  2. Each shortened URL must be unique; that is, no two different URLs can be shortened to the same URL.

Note about Questions:
Below are just a small subset of questions to get you started. In real world, there could be many follow ups and questions possible and the discussion is open-ended (No one true or correct way to solve a problem). If you have more ideas or questions, please ask in Discuss and we may compile it here!


      1. How many unique identifiers possible? Will you run out of unique URLs?
      2. Should the identifier be increment or not? Which is easier to design? Pros and cons?
      3. Mapping an identifier to an URL and its reversal - Does this problem ring a bell to you?
      4. How do you store the URLs? Does a simple flat file database work?
      5. What is the bottleneck of the system? Is it read-heavy or write-heavy?
      6. Estimate the maximum number of URLs a single machine can store.
      7. Estimate the maximum number of queries per second (QPS) for decoding a shortened URL in a single machine.
      8. How would you scale the service? For example, a viral link which is shared in social media could result in a peak QPS at a moment‘s notice.
      9. How could you handle redundancy? i,e, if a server is down, how could you ensure the service is still operational?
      10. Keep URLs forever or prune, pros/cons? How we do pruning? (Contributed by @alex_svetkin)
      11. What API would you provide to a third-party developer? (Contributed by @alex_svetkin)
      12. If you can enable caching, what would you cache and what‘s the expiry time? (Contributed by @Humandroid)




时间: 2024-11-06 21:08:59

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场景 ? 短链接服务就是将一段长的URL转换为短的URL,比如利用新浪微博的短链接生成器,可将一段长的URL(http://blog.csdn.net/poem_qianmo/article/details/52344732)转换为一段短的URL(http://t.cn/RtFFvic),用户通过访问短链接即可重定向到原始的URL. 整个交互流程如下: 用户访问短链接:http://t.cn/RtFFvic 短链接服务器t.cn收到请求,根据URL路径RtFFvic获取到原始的长链接:http:


你还在用百度统计吗?有这个统计工具,不懂代码能快速上手使用 知道六度短网址的朋友一般都是因为它的缩短网址功能,其实它还有另外一个非常非常非常宝藏的用途——做网站访问分析.   一.什么是网站访问分析?   是指在获得网站流量统计基本数据的前提下,对有关数据进行统计.分析,从中发现用户访问网站的规律,并将这些规律与网络营销策略等相结合,从而发现目前网络营销活动中可能存在的问题,并为进一步修正或重新制定网络营销策略提供依据.   二.网站访问分析的意义   (1) 了解网站的目标用户画像,为产品设计