
经常看到一些词一起出现,今天总结下。 日后再看

All from Apache Offical Docs

1/apache kafka

what is kafka?

    kafka is a distributed, partipationed, replicated commit log service,. It provides the functionlity of a messaging system, but with a unique design.

 Simply, it is a log messaging system. It reminds of RabbitMQ which also a message system.

  So, google its differences.

  TL;DR; Reference: http://www.quora.com/What-are-the-differences-between-Apache-Kafka-and-RabbitMQ

  And, kafka is dependent on zookeeper.


2/apache zookeeper

  what is zookeeper?

    ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications. Each time they are implemented there is a lot of work that goes into fixing the bugs and race conditions that are inevitable. Because of the difficulty of implementing these kinds of services, applications initially usually skimp on them ,which make them brittle in the presence of change and difficult to manage. Even when done correctly, different implementations of these services lead to management complexity when the applications are deployed.

  what‘s his aim?

    ZooKeeper aims at distilling the essence of these different services into a very simple interface to a centralized coordination service. The service itself is distributed and highly reliable. Consensus, group management, and presence protocols will be implemented by the service so that the applications do not need to implement them on their own. Application specific uses of these will consist of a mixture of specific components of Zoo Keeper and application specific conventions. ZooKeeper Recipes shows how this simple service can be used to build much more powerful abstractions.

3/apache storm

  what is storm?

    Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing. Storm is simple, can be used with any programming language, and is a lot of fun to use!

  where to use it?

    Storm has many use cases: realtime analytics, online machine learning, continuous computation, distributed RPC, ETL, and more. Storm is fast: a benchmark clocked it at over a million tuples processed per second per node. It is scalablefault-tolerantguarantees your data will be processed, and is easy to set up and operate.

4/apache spark

  what is spark?

    Apache Spark™ is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing.

5/apache hive

  what is hive?

    The Apache Hive ™ data warehouse software facilitates querying and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage. Hive provides a mechanism to project structure onto this data and query the data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL. At the same time this language also allows traditional map/reduce programmers to plug in their custom mappers and reducers when it is inconvenient or inefficient to express this logic in HiveQL.

    So, it is a sql-like language. Find it on IBM: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/infosphere/hadoop/hive/ Their docs are always good.

6/apache pig

  what is pig?

    Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig programs is that their structure is amenable to substantial parallelization, which in turns enables them to handle very large data sets.    


  1. most of messaging system based on producer-consumer pattern.  

  2.pig and hive are like language, sql-language.



时间: 2024-10-10 14:12:56



摘要 史上最全的开源大数据工具,非常实用,请务必收藏! 史上最全的开源大数据工具,非常实用,请务必收藏! 查询引擎 Phoenix Salesforce公司出品,Apache HBase之上的一个SQL中间层,完全使用Java编写 Stinger 原叫Tez,下一代Hive, Hortonworks主导开发,运行在YARN上的DAG计算框架 Presto Facebook开源 Spark SQL Spark上的SQL执行引擎 Pig 基于Hadoop MapReduce的脚本语言 Clouder


据日前的一则大数据工具使用情况调查,我们知道了Java程序猿最喜欢用的大数据工具. 问题:他们最近一年最喜欢用什么工具或者是框架? 受访者可以选择列表中的选项或者列出自己的,本文主要关心的是大数据工具.上一篇Java调查包括下列内容: 开发语言 Web框架 应用服务器 数据库工具 SQL数据 大数据 开发工具 云供应商 现在,来看看维基百科上对大数据的定义: 大数据,广义上来说是一组量很大很复杂的数据集合,在这种情况下传统的数据处理方式将不再适用. 对于一般情况来说传统的SQL数据库足够用.再另


业内有这样一种说法,SQL虽然在大数据分析领域久经考验,但是无奈长江后浪推前浪,和炙手可热的Hadoop相比,SQL已经过时了.这个说法有点言过其实,现在很多的项目都是将Hadoop作为数据存储,然后利用SQL进行前端查询.这说明Hadoop需要一种高级查询语言的支持. Hadoop MapReduce虽然能够进行数据分析,但是太复杂了.于是,开发人员开发出了类似SQL的Pig和Hive. 大数据时代,我们有很多的查询工具可以选择.虽然SQL占据着绝对优势,但是随着大数据的持续升温,也给了Apa


据日前的一则大数据工具使用情况调查,我们知道了Java程序猿最喜欢用的大数据工具. 问题:他们最近一年最喜欢用什么工具或者是框架? 受访者可以选择列表中的选项或者列出自己的,本文主要关心的是大数据工具.上一篇Java调查包括下列内容: 开发语言 Web框架 应用服务器 数据库工具 SQL数据 大数据 开发工具 云供应商 现在,来看看维基百科上对大数据的定义: 大数据,广义上来说是一组量很大很复杂的数据集合,在这种情况下传统的数据处理方式将不再适用. 对于一般情况来说传统的SQL数据库足够用.再另


业内有这样一种说法,SQL虽然在大数据分析领域久经考验,但是无奈长江后浪推前浪,和炙手可热的Hadoop相比,SQL已经过时了.这个说法有点言过其实,现在很多的项目都是将Hadoop作为数据存储,然后利用SQL进行前端查询.这说明Hadoop需要一种高级查询语言的支持. Hadoop MapReduce虽然能够进行数据分析,但是太复杂了.于是,开发人员开发出了类似SQL的Pig和Hive. 大数据时代,我们有很多的查询工具可以选择.虽然SQL占据着绝对优势,但是随着大数据的持续升温,也给了Apa


最近我问了很多Java开发人员关于最近12个月内他们使用的是什么大数据工具. 这是一个系列,主题为: 语言 web框架 应用服务器 SQL数据访问工具 SQL数据库 大数据 构建工具 云提供商 今天我们就要说说大数据.根据维基百科,大数据是数据集的一个广义的术语,并且该数据集是如此庞大和复杂,以致于传统的数据处理应用程序无法胜任. 在许多情况下,使用SQL数据库用于存储/检索数据就足够了.但在另一些情况下,要么SQL数据库规模不够,要么还有更好的工具.这一切都取决于使用情况. 现在让我们来讨论一


外面有成千上万的大数据工具.它们都承诺可以为你节省时间和资金,并帮助发掘之前从来见过的业务洞察力.虽然确实如此,可是面对那么多的选择,想理清这么多的工具谈何容易. 哪一种工具适合你的技能组合?哪一种工具适合你的项目? 为了替你节省一点时间,并帮助你首次选对工具,我们列出了我们青睐的几款数据工具,涉及数据提取.存储.清理.挖掘.可视化.分析和整合等领域. 数据存储和管理 如果你准备处理大数据,就要考虑该如何存储大数据.大数据得到"大"这个名号,一方面在于,大数据太庞大了,传统系统处理不了


查询引擎 一.Phoenix 贡献者::Salesforce 简介:这是一个Java中间层,可以让开发者在Apache HBase上执行SQL查询.Phoenix完全使用Java编写,代码位于GitHub上,并且提供了一个客户端可嵌入的JDBC驱动. Phoenix查询引擎会将SQL查询转换为一个或多个HBase scan,并编排执行以生成标准的JDBC结果集.直接使用HBase API.协同处理器与自定义过滤器,对于简单查询来说,其性能量级是毫秒,对于百万级别的行数来说,其性能量级是秒. Ph


类别 名称 官网 备注 查询引擎 Phoenix http://phoenix.incubator.apache.org/ Salesforce公司出品,Apache HBase之上的一个SQL中间层,完全使用Java编写 Stinger http://hortonworks.com/labs/stinger/ 原叫Tez,下一代Hive,Hortonworks主导开发,运行在YARN上的DAG计算框架 http://tez.incubator.apache.org/ Presto http:/


整体思路 整体分三步: 1.记录日志 1.记录日志采用UDP协议写入大数据平台,大数据平台采用Hive表来存储日志信息. 2.写入日志的工作,封装了一个Auto.Lib3.Dealer.Log.dll,这个dll要依赖ZooKeeperNet.dll 和 log4net.dll.这三个dll文件地址如下: dll文件 TFS上路径 Auto.Lib3.Dealer.Log.dll $/dealer/MCH/CommonLib/Auto.Lib3.Logging.dll ZooKeeperNet.