Artificially intelligent robot scientist 'Eve' could boost search for new drugs

图:机器人科学家 “夏娃


February 3, 2015


University of Cambridge


Eve, an artificially intelligent ‘robot scientist‘ could make drug discovery faster and much cheaper, say researchers writing in the Royal Society journal Interface. The team has demonstrated the success of the approach as Eve discovered that a compound shown to have anti-cancer properties might also be used in the fight against malaria.

Eve, an artificially-intelligent ‘robot scientist‘ could make drug discovery faster and much cheaper, say researchers writing in the Royal Society journal Interface. The team has demonstrated the success of the approach as Eve discovered that a compound shown to have anti-cancer properties might also be used in the fight against malaria.

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Robot scientists are a natural extension of the trend of increased involvement of automation in science. They can automatically develop and test hypotheses to explain observations, run experiments using laboratory robotics, interpret the results to amend their hypotheses, and then repeat the cycle, automating high-throughput hypothesis-led research. Robot scientists are also well suited to recording scientific knowledge: as the experiments are conceived and executed automatically by computer, it is possible to completely capture and digitally curate all aspects of the scientific process.

In 2009, Adam, a robot scientist developed by researchers at the Universities of Aberystwyth and Cambridge, became the first machine to independently discover new scientific knowledge. The same team has now developed Eve, based at the University of Manchester, whose purpose is to speed up the drug discovery process and make it more economical. In the study published today, they describe how the robot can help identify promising new drug candidates for malaria and neglected tropical diseases such as African sleeping sickness and Chagas‘ disease.

"Neglected tropical diseases are a scourge of humanity, infecting hundreds of millions of people, and killing millions of people every year," says Professor Steve Oliver from the Cambridge Systems Biology Centre and the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge. "We know what causes these diseases and that we can, in theory, attack the parasites that cause them using small molecule drugs. But the cost and speed of drug discovery and the economic return make them unattractive to the pharmaceutical industry.

"Eve exploits its artificial intelligence to learn from early successes in her screens and select compounds that have a high probability of being active against the chosen drug target. A smart screening system, based on genetically engineered yeast, is used. This allows Eve to exclude compounds that are toxic to cells and select those that block the action of the parasite protein while leaving any equivalent human protein unscathed. This reduces the costs, uncertainty, and time involved in drug screening, and has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people worldwide."

Eve is designed to automate early-stage drug design. First, she systematically tests each member from a large set of compounds in the standard brute-force way of conventional mass screening. The compounds are screened against assays (tests) designed to be automatically engineered, and can be generated much faster and more cheaply than the bespoke assays that are currently standard. This enables more types of assay to be applied, more efficient use of screening facilities to be made, and thereby increases the probability of a discovery within a given budget.

Eve‘s robotic system is capable of screening over 10,000 compounds per day. However, while simple to automate, mass screening is still relatively slow and wasteful of resources as every compound in the library is tested. It is also unintelligent, as it makes no use of what is learnt during screening.

To improve this process, Eve selects at random a subset of the library to find compounds that pass the first assay; any ‘hits‘ are re-tested multiple times to reduce the probability of false positives. Taking this set of confirmed hits, Eve uses statistics and machine learning to predict new structures that might score better against the assays. Although she currently does not have the ability to synthesise such compounds, future versions of the robot could potentially incorporate this feature.

Professor Ross King, from the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Manchester, says: "Every industry now benefits from automation and science is no exception. Bringing in machine learning to make this process intelligent -- rather than just a ‘brute force‘ approach -- could greatly speed up scientific progress and potentially reap huge rewards."

To test the viability of the approach, the researchers developed assays targeting key molecules from parasites responsible for diseases such as malaria, Chagas‘ disease and schistosomiasis and tested against these a library of approximately 1,500 clinically approved compounds. Through this, Eve showed that a compound that has previously been investigated as an anti-cancer drug inhibits a key molecule known as DHFR in the malaria parasite. Drugs that inhibit this molecule are currently routinely used to protect against malaria, and are given to over a million children; however, the emergence of strains of parasites resistant to existing drugs means that the search for new drugs is becoming increasingly more urgent.

"Despite extensive efforts, no one has been able to find a new antimalarial that targets DHFR and is able to pass clinical trials," adds Professor King. "Eve‘s discovery could be even more significant than just demonstrating a new approach to drug discovery."

The research was supported by the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council and the European Commission.

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided by University of Cambridge. The original story is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

机器人科学家 “夏娃”技术发明永不止步。英国曼彻斯特大学的 研究人员最近声称他们研究出了新一代机器人科学家,用于药物研发,降低研发成本。这位科研新星--夏娃女士已经成功的发现了一种具有抗肿瘤特性的化合物能 同时应用于疟疾的治疗。在科学研究自动化和机械化的趋势下,机器人科学家应运而生。2009年阿伯里斯特威斯和剑桥大学就已经研发了第一个科学机器人亚 当。这群新型科学家能自动开发;根据观察测试假说;进行实验;解释结果修正自己的假设;然后重复循环,自动高通量进行假设研究。机器人科学家同样非常适合 记录科学知识:由于实验构思和执行皆由计算机自动执行的,所以它可以完全捕捉和数字化记录的科学研究过程的各个方面。亚当发明之后,同一科研队伍在曼彻斯 特大学又研发出了夏娃,应用于药物研发中的早期设计。首先,夏娃机器人能够每天系统地甄别超过1万种化合物。利用其人工智能,根据她的早期的筛选经验,选 择能被选定的药物靶点高概率激活的化合物。这个筛选系统是基于基因工程酵母的。这使得夏娃能排除对细胞有毒的物质,并选择能阻断寄生虫蛋白质的,同时对人 蛋白质毫发无损的化合物。筛选出的化合物随后自动地被工程化修改,以便于更快,比定制测定法中比标准更便宜地方式产生。夏娃同时使用多种类型的测定法和更 有效地利用检查设施,夏娃这些优点增加了一定预算内发现新潜在药物的概率。研发团队将夏娃的首秀用于热带疾病药物的搜索。他表示被忽视的热带病是人类的祸 害,每年杀死数百万人,我们知道是什么原因导致这些疾病。在理论上我们可以研发,使用小分子药物攻击致病的寄生虫,但实际上研发成本和药物发现的速度,经 济回报等因素使得制药业对此没有兴趣。为了测试这种方法的可行性,研究人员针对如疟疾,南美锥虫病和血吸虫病热带寄生虫病,对约1500种临床批准药物的 关键分子进行检测。通过检测,夏娃确认一种先前已认定作为抗癌药物的化合物能抑制疟原虫治病的关键分子,DHFR。目前常规用于预防疟疾的药物通常是能抑 制DHFR的药物。考虑到现在尽管付出大量的努力,仍然没有人能找到一种新的抗疟药,并能够通过临床试验。所以夏娃的发现不仅仅展示的是一种新的方法,更 可能为抗疟药的更新带来新贡献。夏娃的工作极大降低了药物筛选的成本,不确定性和时间,并且将可能改善数以百万计世界各地的人们生活。

Artificially intelligent robot scientist 'Eve' could boost search for new drugs

时间: 2024-08-24 11:00:40

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