Redis source code analysis

Redis source code analysis的相关文章

Memcached source code analysis -- Analysis of change of state--reference

This article mainly introduces the process of Memcached, libevent structure of the main thread and worker thread based on the processing of the connection state of mutual conversion (not involving data access operations), the main business logic is t

Memcached source code analysis (threading model)--reference

Look under the start memcahced threading process memcached multi-threaded mainly by instantiating multiple libevent, are a main thread and n workers thread is the main thread or workers thread all through the the libevent management network event, in

CEPH CRUSH 算法源码分析 原文CEPH CRUSH algorithm source code analysis

原文地址 CEPH CRUSH algorithm source code analysis 文章比较深入的写了CRUSH算法的原理和过程.通过调试深入的介绍了CRUSH计算的过程.文章中添加了些内容. 写在前面 读本文前,你需要对ceph的基本操作,pool和CRUSH map非常熟悉.并且较深入的读过源码. 分析的方法

AOP spring source code analysis

例子 1 在使用 New 的情况下实现 AOP public class TraceTest { public static void main(String args[]) { TraceTest test = new TraceTest(); test.rpcCall(); } // 虽然 intellij 没有给出提示,但是这个 Trace 还是成功的 @Trace public void rpcCall() { System.out.println("call rpc"); }

Golang Template source code analysis(Parse)

This blog was written at go 1.3.1 version. We know that we use template thought by followed way: func main() { name := "waynehu" tmpl := template.New("test") tmpl, err := tmpl.Parse("hello {{.}}") if err != nil { panic(err) }

Apache Commons Pool2 源码分析 | Apache Commons Pool2 Source Code Analysis

Apache Commons Pool实现了对象池的功能.定义了对象的生成.销毁.激活.钝化等操作及其状态转换,并提供几个默认的对象池实现.在讲述其实现原理前,先提一下其中有几个重要的对象: PooledObject(池对象). PooledObjectFactory(池对象工厂). Object Pool(对象池). 下面分别详细讲解它们的实现. PooledObject(池对象) 用于封装对象(如:线程.数据库连接.TCP连接),将其包裹成可被池管理的对象.提供了两个默认的池对象实现: De

Source Code Analysis in Swift - @autoclosure

@autoclosure:字面理解意思就是自动闭包. 在Swift中有这样的运算符&&,我们知道&&运算符是阻断的 在Swift中运算符是一个函数,如果&&左边是false就不会计算右边的,直接返回false. @inline(__always) @warn_unused_result public func && <T : Boolean, U : Boolean>( lhs: T, rhs: @autoclosure () t

Top 40 Static Code Analysis Tools In this article, I have summarised some of the top static code analysis tools. Can we ever imagine sitting back and manually reading each line of codes to find flaws? To eas

[code] Transformer For Summarization Source Code Reading

Basic Information 作者:李丕绩(腾讯AI Lab) 模型:Transformer + copy mechanism for abstractive summarization 数据集:CNN/Daily Mail Parameters WARNING: IN DEBUGGING MODE USE COPY MECHANISM USE COVERAGE MECHANISM USE AVG NLL as LOSS USE LEARNABLE W2V EMBEDDING RNN TY