

时间: 2024-10-29 02:36:43


Cygwin安装时,选择163的源后出错:Unable to get setup.ini from <http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin/>

[问题] 折腾: [记录]Cygwin下把make从v3.82换成v3.81 期间,选择了163的源,结果出错: Cygwin Setup Unable to get setup.ini from <http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin/> 如图: [解决过程] 1.去 http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin/ 看了看,结果发现,其中,已经变了,其包含了对应的x86和x86_64两个文件夹了: 所以,肯定是找不到对应的setup.ini文件了. 2.所

centos 6.5 [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

安装openstack最后到dashboard的时候报错:[Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. 很简单: 1.yum clean metadata 2.yum clean all 搞定! 至此,openstack也差不多一个个组件都正常了.接下来准备跑个vyos(电脑是真的有点hold不住). 后面写个质量高一点的文章"How vRouter live in a cloud?" 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载.

apt-cyg update --2017-02-17 07:57:24-- http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin//x86_64/setup.bz2 正在解析主机 mirrors.163.com..., 正在连接 mirrors.163.com||:80... 已连接。 已发出 HTT

apt-cyg update --2017-02-17 07:57:24-- http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin//x86_64/setup.bz2 正在解析主机 mirrors.163.com..., 正在连接 mirrors.163.com||:80... 已连接. 已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 304 Not Modifi cygwin的mirror后面的 / 去掉

URAL 1152 Faise Mirrors 状压DP 简单题

1152. False Mirrors Time limit: 2.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Background We wandered in the labyrinth for twenty minutes before finally entering the large hall. The walls were covered by mirrors here as well. Under the ceiling hung small balconies wh

如何使用科大 mirrors 加速 pip?

编辑 ~/.pip/pip.conf 文件(如果没有则创建之),将 index-url 开头的一行修改为下面一行: index-url = https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple 如果运行 pip 时, 提示如下错误 configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers. 请在 ~/.pip/pip.conf 最上方加上 [global] 这一 section he

[ERROR]-Error: failure: repodata/filelists.xml.gz from addons: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

最近在使用CentOS5.5的时候yum安装文件出现如下错误:Error: failure: repodata/filelists.xml.gz from addons: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.解决方法:yum clean all CentOS更换网易源 1.下载新源及将本地源备份[[email protected] ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/[[email protected] ~]# wget http://mirrors

E: GPG error: http://mirrors.oschina.net trusty-backports InRelease: Clearsigned file isn&#39;t valid, got &#39;NODATA&#39; (does the network require authentication?)

E: GPG error: http://mirrors.oschina.net trusty-backports InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?) 更新源的时候出现了这个错误提示. 网上没找到答案,估计是源有问题,把这个出错的源删除了就可以了. 或者找个全新的源 E: GPG error: http://mirrors.oschina.

fedora22 dnf安装软件All mirrors were already tried without success的错误

系统为fedora22,使用dnf安装软件或者更新系统,提示Status code: 404以及All mirrors were already tried without success. 经过google,发现解决办法,如下: 1.执行命令“dnf clean metadata” 2.重新安装程序或更新系统 方法来自于http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=304926

[linux]Error: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from fedora: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

在使用fedora17 系统的yum源的时候出现了如下错误: Error: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from fedora: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. 参照网上的做法: (一般yum有变更都需要这两个操作) yum clean all yum clean metadata 然后在使用 yum update 还是错误. 仔细看下错误: http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedo

centos6.5 安装stardict 出现问题 [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try

1. 下载startdict #wget http://downloads.naulinux.ru/pub/NauLinux/6x/i386/sites/School/RPMS/stardict-3.0.2-1.el6.i686.rpm 2. 安装 # yum localinstall stardict-3.0.2-1.el6.i686.rpm 这时出现问题:[ Errno 256 ] No more mirrors to try 解决办法: 1. yum clean all 2. yum ma