A convenient way of installing(compiling) VIM with YCM

Ah, while I am still downloading LLVM from github(very slow.. and very large in size).

I come with my new ideas to write this new blog..

Because learning to configure VIM forces me to learn git.. And now I think why haven‘t I came across github earlier?.. Of course I have, but maybe it‘s so-called さだめ..

First download a binary of git, an nmake(vs installed..), or maybe I can try make + g++/gcc?.. I will give a try later..

Python installed, with its path set to env-path.

  1. use git to clone VIM source..: git clone https://github.com/vim/vim some-empty/notexist-folder-locally
  2. compile VIM using nmake..: nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes PYTHON3= PYTHON3_VER= DYNAMIC_PYTHON3= CPU=AMD64 [for more info, see *Make_mvc.mak*]
  3. clone vundle source.. : git clone https://github.com/vundlevim/vundle.vim some-empty/notexist-folder-locally\vimfiles\bundle\vundle.vim
  4. open gvim.exe and run by :PluginInstall
  5. Compile YCM: python install.py --msvc= --arch=32/64 --clang-completer


时间: 2024-08-29 18:54:44

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