pat1077. Kuchiguse (20)

1077. Kuchiguse (20)


100 ms


65536 kB


16000 B




HOU, Qiming

The Japanese language is notorious for its sentence ending particles. Personal preference of such particles can be considered as a reflection of the speaker‘s personality. Such a preference is called "Kuchiguse" and is often exaggerated artistically in Anime and Manga. For example, the artificial sentence ending particle "nyan~" is often used as a stereotype for characters with a cat-like personality:

  • Itai nyan~ (It hurts, nyan~)
  • Ninjin wa iyada nyan~ (I hate carrots, nyan~)

Now given a few lines spoken by the same character, can you find her Kuchiguse?

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line is an integer N (2<=N<=100). Following are N file lines of 0~256 (inclusive) characters in length, each representing a character‘s spoken line. The spoken lines are case sensitive.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print in one line the kuchiguse of the character, i.e., the longest common suffix of all N lines. If there is no such suffix, write "nai".

Sample Input 1:

Itai nyan~
Ninjin wa iyadanyan~
uhhh nyan~

Sample Output 1:


Sample Input 2:

Ninjinnwaiyada T_T

Sample Output 2:




 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<string>
 3 #include<cstdio>
 4 #include<cstring>
 5 #include<algorithm>
 6 using namespace std;
 7 char line[105][300];
 8 bool cmp(char *a,char *b){
 9     return strlen(a)<strlen(b);
10 }
11 int main(){
12   //freopen("D:\\INPUT.txt","r",stdin);
13   int n,i;
14   scanf("%d",&n);
15   getchar();
16   for(i=0;i<n;i++){
17     cin.getline(line[i],300);
18   }
19   /*for(i=0;i<n;i++){
20     cout<<line[i]<<endl;
21   }*/
22   //sort(line,line+n,cmp);
23   int j=1,k,len;
24   char c;
25   string s="";
26   for(i=1;i<=strlen(line[0]);i++){
27     c=line[0][strlen(line[0])-i];
28     for(k=1;k<n;k++){
29         len=strlen(line[k]);
30         if(len<i||line[k][len-i]!=c){
31             break;
32         }
33     }
34     if(k==n){
35         s=c+s;
36     }
37     else{
38         break;
39     }
40   }
41   if(s!=""){
42     cout<<s<<endl;
43   }
44   else{
45     cout<<"nai\n";
46   }
47 }
时间: 2024-10-14 07:08:07

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PAT1077. Kuchiguse

The Japanese language is notorious for its sentence ending particles. Personal preference of such particles can be considered as a reflection of the speaker's personality. Such a preference is called "Kuchiguse" and is often exaggerated artistic

PAT 1077 Kuchiguse (20)

The Japanese language is notorious for its sentence ending particles. Personal preference of such particles can be considered as a reflection of the speaker's personality. Such a preference is called "Kuchiguse" and is often exaggerated artistic

1077. Kuchiguse (20)

The Japanese language is notorious for its sentence ending particles. Personal preference of such particles can be considered as a reflection of the speaker's personality. Such a preference is called "Kuchiguse" and is often exaggerated artistic

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