! Undefined control sequence. \[email protected] ...endcsname {`#2}{`#3}\[email protected] \fi l.43 \end{document}



时间: 2024-11-05 12:20:22

! Undefined control sequence. \[email protected] ...endcsname {`#2}{`#3}\[email protected] \fi l.43 \end{document}的相关文章

Latex Undefined control sequence. ...\bm

遇到Undefined control sequence问题 原来是\bm{\theta}无法识别 解决方法: To use \boldsymbol (in math mode, of course), you need to load the amsmath package. Alternatively, load the bm ("bold math") package and write \bm{\beta} (again in math mode, of course). e,

Mysql denied for user '[email protected]' || denied for user '[email protected]'

1. Question Description: 1.1  mysql  version:  mysql-5.7.11-win64.zip 1.2  if you connect to the mysql  service the first time, you may come across some problems 1.2.1  mysql -u root -p (enter), no password(enter), you will see 1.2.2   if you want to

openerp 不能发送email,请配置发件人的email地址或者别名

创建产品时失败: I found that the Partner that was related with my User account had no email address. After providing an email address, everything worked fine

Thuthesis在Tex live2015中编译出错的解决方法

Tex live 2015安装后,它本身已经将thuthesis.cls及相关的bst等文件安装在它自己的搜索路径上面,亦即thuthesis模板已作为Tex live的组成部分被安装.你只要按照示例文件直接写你自己的tex文件即可,而无需下载thuthesis.cls等相关的模板文件.当然你也可以下载thuthesis.cls等文件放在当前目录下,系统路径上面的thuthesis.cls自动不起作用. 错误!undefined control sequence \[email protecte

【转】LaTeX 符号命令大全

函数.符号及特殊字符 声调 语法 效果 语法 效果 语法 效果 \bar{x} \acute{\eta} \check{\alpha} \grave{\eta} \breve{a} \ddot{y} \dot{x} \hat{\alpha} \tilde{\iota} 函数 语法 效果 语法 效果 语法 效果 \sin\theta \cos\theta \tan\theta \arcsin\frac{L}{r} \arccos\frac{T}{r} \arctan\frac{L}{T} \sin


效果: slides.tex 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2 % 3 % Presentation for: 4 % 5 % Workshop on Adaptive Filters in Bucure\c{s}ti / Romania 6 % (March 2003) 7 % 8 % (c) Matthias M\"{u}hlich, 03/2003 9 % 10 %%%%%%%


效果: 中文LaTeX安装与使用.tex 1 \documentclass[serif,CJK]{beamer} 2 \usepackage{CJK,ccmap} 3 \usepackage{subfigure} 4 \usepackage{manfnt}%%% Dangerous Bend Symbols}\dbend \lhdbend \reversedvideodbend \textdbend \textlhdbend 5 \useoutertheme{tree} 6 \usecolort


WHUPhd.cls 1 % !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8" 2 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] 3 \ProvidesClass{WHUPhd}[2013/12/17 3.2 Wuhan University Thesis Template for PHD] 4 5 \newif\iflib\libfalse 6 \DeclareOption{forlib}{\libtrue} 7 \newif\ifprint\printfalse


1.The font "WenQuanYi Micro Hei" cannot be found. 解决方法:下载WenQuanYi Micro Hei的字体(以ttf结尾),粘贴到 C:\windows\fonts下 参考 http://wenq.org/wqy2/index.cgi?MicroHei_BigBang_INSTALL 2.! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \@@[email protected] 解决方法: