WhatsUp Gold v14.3.1 中的percent变量列表


SNMP instance number. This is only used when an action is associated  directly with an active monitor, and not the device as a whole.


The human readable name that coincides with the network switch. This is only  used when an action is associated directly with an active monitor, and not  the device as a whole.


The name of the active monitor that fired an action. This is only used  when an action is associated directly with an active monitor, and not the  device as a whole.


IP address for the network interface. This is only used when an action  is associated directly with an active monitor, and not the device as a whole.


The payload returned by a WMI, Exchange, SQL, SNMP or Active Script  active monitor. This is only used when an action is associated directly with  an active monitor and not the devices as a whole.

For Active Script Active Monitors, the payload is the text that is passed  to the SetResult() method in the script.


The Current status of the monitor, such as "Down at least 5  min." This is only used when an action is associated directly with an  active monitor, and not the device as a whole.

Device Variables



List of down services using the abbreviated name if available.


Full service names of all UP monitored services on a device.


IP address (from device properties).

%Device.Attribute.[Attribute Name]

Returns an attribute from the SNMP information available for the device,  such as the Contact name. To specify the attribute, append the category name  (listed below) to the end of the variable. For example: %Device.Attribute.Contact,  returns the contact name.

Default categories:

*.  Returns all attributes

Info1.  Upgrade path from v8

Info2.  Upgrade path from v8

Contact.  Contact information from SNMP

Location.  Location information from SNMP

Description.  Description information from SNMP

 Custom. If you have created a custom attribute you can use the  name of that custom attribute in the percent variable.



To avoid an error, always place a space or line break after the  attribute name.


Returns the database ID of a device.


Display Name (from General of device properties)


Host Name (from General of device properties)


Notes. (Notes are from the device properties Notes)


SNMP Object identifier.


The state‘s description (such as "Down at least 2 min" or  "Up at least 5 min")


This shows the name of the active monitor, preceded by the device state  id : 10|DNS


Device Type (from General of device properties)

Passive Monitor Variables



The name of the monitor as it appears in the Passive Monitor Library.


Detailed Event description. (SNMP traps - Returns the full SNMP trap  text.) (Windows Log Entries - Returns information contained in the Windows  Event Log entries.) (Syslog Entries - Returns the text contained in the  Syslog message.)


Payload generated by a passive monitor.


The type of passive monitor (Syslog, Windows Event, or SNMP Trap)


Shows the device‘s logical IP address.


Shows the device‘s physical IP address.

System Variables



The current system date. Configure the date format in Regional Options  (from Program Options)


Display names of devices with down monitors


Shows the name of a device and each monitor that is down on that device.  The format of the response is ‘device name‘:‘monitor 1‘,‘monitor 2‘,‘...‘

Example: ARNOR: FTP, HTTPS, Ping


Display names of up devices


Shows the name of a device and each monitor that is up on that device.  The format of the response is ‘device name‘:‘monitor 1‘,‘monitor 2‘,‘...‘

Example: ARNOR: FTP, HTTPS, Ping


Displays the directory on which WhatsUp Gold is installed


Number of down devices on your network


Shows the number of down monitors on your network


Number of up devices on your network


Shows the number of up monitors on your network


The current system  time. The format is hh:mm:ss

时间: 2024-12-26 13:10:32

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