
1.What is language for? Some people seem to think it is for practicing grammar or learning lists of words—the longer the words the better. That‘s wrong.Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.

2.The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.

3.A great man once said it is necessary to drill as much as possible,  and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become.

4.Listening and imitating should always go together. Use the LIP method. Listen-Imitate-Practice!

5.Use all your senses to learn English. You must hear English, read English, touch English, smell English, and taste English. Feel English with your heart. Immerse yourself in this language. Begin to think in English.

6.Relax. Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning foreign languages is just a piece of cake.

7.Rome isn‘t built in a day.  Work harder and practice more. Your hardworking will be rewarded by God one day. God is equal to everyone!

8.Use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. Keep a small English dictionary with you at all time. When you see a new word, look it up. Think about the word—Use it. In your mind, in a sentence.

9. Try to think in English whenever possible. When you see something, think of the English word of it; then think about the word in a sentence.

10.Practice tenses as much as possible. When you learn a new verb, learn its various forms. A thousand words will not leave an deep impression as on deed.

11.I would also like to learn more about the culture behind the language. When you understand the culture background, you can better use the language.

12 .Keep English journal. Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep. This will teach you to "think" in English. This habit will also help you live a move organized and fruitful life. Besides, you will score higher on your composition exams!

13. Choose materials that interest you! Reading about things that you like will naturally make learning more enjoyable and efficient. everything is easier if you enjoy doing it!

14.Make your friends proud by teaching them some English sentences. You can become an excellent teacher through tutoring your friends. Teaching is a great way to learn! Also remember, learning English can make people happier, feel younger and live longer!

15.Don‘t be afraid to ask for help. The more times you ask for help, the more powerful your English will become. Never hesitate to ask! Learn as much as you can from as many different people as you can! An eager student will always find a teacher!

16.Keep English constantly in your mind by listening, speaking of reading every day! Constant exposure will make it much easier to master this language. If you review only once a week, you will have a hard time remembering what you‘ve learned.

17.Keep a positive attitude about English. If you think of English as a burden, it will be one! If you think of English as fun and exciting, you will practice more often and make progress more quickly!

18.Learning any language takes a lot of effort, but never give up. We will  hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope!

时间: 2024-08-04 20:59:15


暴力英语学习法 + 严格的目标管理 = 成功快速靠谱的学好英语

Updated: 留下邮件的同学,我已经将链接发到你们邮件了,没有留邮箱的同学,你们就自己到下面拿链接和密码下载吧.:) 园子里时不时就吹起一阵学英语的浪潮,不少同鞋表示一直想学,或者一直在学,就是效果不明显(你躺枪了么?)相信自己或者身边的人都或多或少吃了英语弱的当(你懂的,我们重点在说薪水的问题:).而各种英语成功学,方法论,版本是一个接一个层出不穷.今天我们不说为什么要学好英语,好处太多而且已经广为流传了,我们主要结合目标管理来讨论一下如何坚定不移的,快速的学好英语.以我自己的亲身经历作样

【转】暴力英语学习法 + 严格的目标管理 = 成功快速靠谱的学好英语

园子里时不时就吹起一阵学英语的浪潮,不少同鞋表示一直想学,或者一直在学,就是效果不明显(你躺枪了么?)相信自己或者身边的人都或多或少吃了英语弱的当(你懂的,我们重点在说薪水的问题:).而各种英语成功学,方法论,版本是一个接一个层出不穷.今天我们不说为什么要学好英语,好处太多而且已经广为流传了,我们主要结合目标管理来讨论一下如何坚定不移的,快速的学好英语.以我自己的亲身经历作样板,以下情况全部属实,绝无虚构. 先说说我在开始学英语之前的情况: 时间:2012年2月,已工作4.5年 词汇量:小于15


在我上大学的时候,除去普通的英语课程,专业课程里还有一门<计算机英语>.当时大家的普遍认为,普通的“英语”是过四六级用的,<计算机英语>才是专业真正需要的. 等到工作了,我发现很多人都持这样的观点:程序员应该学好英语.这样才能方便地查找资料,迅速地学习最新的知识.换句话说,“学好英语”在很多人看来,就是是“学好专业英语”——这项要求已经很高了,我曾经在<程序员要怎样学英语>里提到,不但要能看懂文档,还要知道“黑屏”是blank screen,“死机”是system ha

35岁前成功的12条黄金法则 三0七法则

“三0七法则”37岁法则,人到了37岁就应该明白下面的道理12条黄金法则:“一个目标,两个基点,三项技能,四项原则,五分运气,六项要求,七分学习,八分交际,九分习惯,十分自信,十一个应该避免的人生陷阱,十二分努力”. 年龄对于生活中的每个人是不可轻易说破的秘密,但在职场,年龄却绝对透明.对于行走职场的人来说,年龄很多时候会促成升职的瓶颈.试想,一个女人如果芳龄35,而仍然是一个平板小职员,那一定是职场新生代恐龙了.所以,聪明的人应该懂得并务必赶在35岁前成功,才能从此一劳永逸,一览终山小. 一个


转自 :http://blog.csdn.net/ricohzhanglong/article/details/4066174#comments 为什么从20岁到30岁的时间,才可以跳两级,但是很多人却在30岁到40岁一下子积累身家,成倍数上涨.因为30岁很重要!譬如,李嘉诚.比尔·盖茨.杨元庆在30岁的时候,都抓住了转折.而他们做的,无非就是认清自己,解决现在和追逐未来.这看上去是人要持续一生解决的问题.但是30岁的人,因为现实的种种情况,面对的问题更突出一些,由此锻炼出的能力也更优异.你的3


学好英语要从多方面入手,语法就是一个方面,本篇经验将从大的方面宏观地谈谈如何学好英语语法. 方法/步骤 1 对于一个初学者来说,刚开始不应过度在意语法. 这就好比小孩走路,没有必要掌握技巧,需要的只是多多尝试,慢慢地就有了感觉,然后平衡能力就好了,随着年龄的增长可以学习如何走得好看.其实学英语也是如此,刚开始要多读,多说,学任何语言都要有一个模仿的过程. 2 有了一定的阅读量和词汇量之后,也就是说你有了一定的积累,然后就可以看看语法了,刚开始看一些简单的语法,再回想一下你读过的一些东西,仔细想这


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第一条:一个目标:一艘没有航行目标的船,任何方向的风都是逆风 1.你为什么是穷人,第一点就是你没有立下成为富人的目标. 2.你的人生核心目标是什么?杰出人士与平庸之辈的根本差别并不是天赋.机遇,而在于有无目标. 3.起跑领先一步,人生领先一大步:成功从选定目标开始 4.为什么大多数人没有成功?真正能完成自己计划的人只有5%,大多数人不是将自己的目标舍弃,就是沦为缺乏行动的空想. 5.如果你想在35岁以前成功,你一定在25至30岁之间确立好你的人生目标 6.每日.每月.每年都要问自己:我是否达到了


35岁前成功的12条黄金法则 第一章:一个目标 一艘没有航行目标的船,任何方向的风都是逆风 1.你为什么是穷人,第一点就是你没有立下成为富人的目标 2.你的人生核心目标是什么? 杰出人士与平庸之辈的根本差别并不是天赋.机遇,而在于有无目标. 3.起跑领先一步,人生领先一大步:成功从选定目标开始 4.贾金斯式的人永远不会成功 为什么大多数人没有成功?真正能完成自己计划的人只有5%,大多数人不是将自己的目标舍弃,就是沦为缺乏行动的空想 5. 如果你想在35岁以前成功,你一定在25至30岁之间确立好你