【HBase】how many zookeepers should i run?

How many ZooKeepers should I run?

You can run a ZooKeeper ensemble that comprises 1 node only but in production it is recommended that you run a ZooKeeper ensemble of 3, 5 or 7 machines; the more members an ensemble has, the more tolerant the ensemble is of host failures. Also, run an odd number of machines. In ZooKeeper, an even number of peers is supported, but it is normally not used because an even sized ensemble requires, proportionally, more peers to form a quorum than an odd sized ensemble requires. For example, an ensemble with 4 peers requires 3 to form a quorum, while an ensemble with 5 also requires 3 to form a quorum. Thus, an ensemble of 5 allows 2 peers to fail, and thus is more fault tolerant than the ensemble of 4, which allows only 1 down peer.

Give each ZooKeeper server around 1GB of RAM, and if possible, its own dedicated disk (A dedicated disk is the best thing you can do to ensure a performant ZooKeeper ensemble). For very heavily loaded clusters, run ZooKeeper servers on separatemachines from RegionServers (DataNodes and TaskTrackers).

时间: 2024-10-12 20:23:51

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HBase用途: 基于Hadoop Distributed File System,是一个开源的,基于列存储模型的分布式数据库. HBase简介: HBase是一个分布式的.多版本的.面向列的开源数据库           1)利用Hadoop HDFS作为其文件存储系统,提供高可靠性.高性能.列存储.可伸缩.实时读写的数据库系统.           2)利用Hadoop MapReduce来处理HBase中的海量数据           3)利用Zookeeper作为协同服务. HBase中


1.hbase 的特点是什么 (1) Hbase一个分布式的基于列式存储的数据库,基于Hadoop的hdfs存储,zookeeper进行管理. (2) Hbase适合存储半结构化或非结构化数据,对于数据结构字段不够确定或者杂乱无章很难按一个概念去抽取的数据. (3) Hbase为null的记录不会被存储. (4)基于的表包含rowkey,时间戳,和列族.新写入数据时,时间戳更新,同时可以查询到以前的版本. (5) hbase是主从架构.hmaster作为主节点,hregionserver作为从节


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