oracle 巡检脚本


# Get Hostname


logfile=xunjian_`date +%y%m%d`.log


if [[ ! -d  $hostinfodir ]]


mkdir -p $hostinfodir


date >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " hostname " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

hostname >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " uname -a " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

uname -a >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " ulimit -a " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

ulimit -a >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " cat /proc/cpuinfo " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

cat /proc/cpuinfo >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " cat /proc/meminfo " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

cat /proc/meminfo >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " vmstat 3 10 " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

vmstat 3 10 >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " df -ha " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

df -ha >>$hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " ifconfig -a " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

ifconfig -a >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " env | grep ORACLE " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

env | grep ORACLE >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo " cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora " >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora >> $hostinfodir/$logfile

echo "======osinfo end================"

echo "=========oracleinfo begin========"

cd $hostinfodir

sqlplus /nolog << EOF

conn / as sysdba;


set echo off;

spool oracle.txt;

set linesize 200;

col name format a20;

col value format a30;

--log file size mb:

select ‘log file size unit mb:‘ infoterm from dual;

select round(bytes/(1024*1024),2) total_g from v\$log where rownum<2;

--log file total number:

select ‘log file total number:‘ infoterm from dual;

select count(*) from v\$log;

--log file number in one group:

select ‘log file number in one group:‘ infoterm from dual;

select num from (select count(*) num from v\$logfile group by GROUP#) where rownum<2;

--sga info:

show sga

select ‘sga info:‘ infoterm from dual;

select name,value from v\$parameter where name


--database name

select ‘database name:‘ infoterm from dual;

select name from v\$database;


select ‘DB_BLOCK_SIZE:‘ infoterm from dual;

select value from v\$parameter where name in(‘db_block_size‘);

--database version

select ‘database version:‘ infoterm from dual;

select version from v\$instance;

--datafile size;

select ‘datafile size:‘ infoterm from dual;

select round((sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024)) total_g from dba_data_files;

--datafile characterset

select ‘datafile characterset:‘ infoterm from dual;

select  value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = ‘NLS_CHARACTERSET‘;


select ‘archive:‘ infoterm from dual;

select log_mode from  v\$database;

archive log list;

--datafile number:

select ‘datafile number:‘ infoterm from dual;

select count(*) from dba_data_files;

--tablespace number:

select ‘tablespace number:‘ infoterm from dual;

select count(*) from dba_tablespaces;

--controlfile number:

select ‘controlfile number:‘ infoterm from dual;

select count(*) from v\$controlfile;

--controlfile info:

select ‘controlfile info:‘ infoterm from dual;

col NAME format a60

select * from v\$controlfile;

--logfile info:

select ‘logfile info:‘ infoterm from dual;

col member format a50;

select * from v\$logfile order by GROUP#;

select * from v\$log order by GROUP#;

--block_size info:

select ‘block_size info:‘ infoterm from dual;

select distinct block_size from dba_tablespaces;

--datafile info:

select ‘datafile info:‘ infoterm from dual;

set linesize 500 pagesize 200

col file_id for 9999999

col file_name for a55

col ts_name for a18

col cur_mb for 99999

col max_mb for 99999

select file_id,tablespace_name ts_name,file_name,status, autoextensible,

blocks/128 cur_mb, maxblocks/128 max_mb

from dba_data_files order by file_id;

--tempfile info:

select ‘tempfile info:‘ infoterm from dual;

select file_id,tablespace_name ts_name,file_name,status, autoextensible,

blocks/128 cur_mb, maxblocks/128 max_mb

from dba_temp_files order by file_id;

--tablespace info:

select ‘tablespace info:‘ infoterm from dual;

set linesize 500 pagesize 200

col tablespace_name format a20

col contents for a9

col ext_mgmt for a8

col alloc_type for a9

col ext_kb format 999999

col ssm for a6

col total_mb format a12

col free_mb format a12

col free_pct format a7

select c.tablespace_name, c.contents, c.extent_management ext_mgmt,

c.allocation_type alloc_type, c.initial_extent/1024 ext_kb,

c.segment_space_management SSM, a.total_mb, b.free_mb,

to_char(100*b.free_mb/a.total_mb, ‘999.99‘) free_pct


(select tablespace_name, to_char(sum(bytes)/1048576, ‘99999999.99‘) total_mb

from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a,

(select tablespace_name, to_char(sum(bytes)/1048576, ‘99999999.99‘) free_mb,

count(*) free_exts, to_char(max(bytes)/1048576, ‘99999999‘) max_mb,

to_char(min(bytes)/1048576, ‘99999999‘) min_mb

from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) b,

dba_tablespaces c

where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name(+) and c.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name

order by free_pct, tablespace_name;

--system tablespace info:

select ‘system tablespace info:‘ infoterm from dual;

select owner,count(*) from dba_segments where tablespace_name=‘SYSTEM‘ group by owner;

select username, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users

where default_tablespace=‘SYSTEM‘ or temporary_tablespace=‘SYSTEM‘;

--invalid object info:

select ‘invalid object info:‘ infoterm from dual;

select count(*),owner from dba_objects where status=‘INVALID‘ group by owner;

select ‘invalid index info:‘  infoterm from dual;

select owner,index_name from dba_indexes where status=‘UNUSABLE‘;

--auth info:

select ‘auth info:‘ infoterm from dual;

select * from v\$pwfile_users;

col grantee for a15;

col granted_role for a15;

col admin_option for a20;

col default_role for a20;

select * from dba_role_privs where granted_role=‘DBA‘;

spool off;



echo "=========oracleinfo end============"

exit 0


时间: 2024-08-10 02:11:53

oracle 巡检脚本的相关文章


/************************************************************************************************************************* 该脚本仅仅是为了工作方便书写,主要是在shell里整合了OS的系统命令和oracle的常见巡检脚本; 脚本执行过程中需要调用OS的系统命令的权限,如果执行脚本的用户是普通账户需要考虑权限设置的问题! ***************************


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package util; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author wyl * @Description TODO  * @date 2016-5-19 * */ public cl


查看碎片程度高的表 SELECT segment_name table_name, COUNT(*) extents FROM dba_segments WHERE owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM') GROUP BY segment_nameHAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MAX(COUNT(*))                     FROM dba_segments                    GROUP BY segment_n

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初步效果图如下 SQL> @nb ------Oracle Database health Check STRAT ------Starting Collect Data Information! ------Part 1.DB Overview... ------Part 2.DB File Overview... ------Part 3.Perfermance Overview... ------Part 4.Security and Privilege Overview... -----