do export method of oracle all database tables with dmp files.

usually we need to export the database tables to backup and others use. So we must know what to do export those data .

just exmple when I export the oracle all database tables with dmp files.

the method is following :

#exp oracle_userName/"""oracle_userPassword"""@orcl file=/SpecifiedPath/Name.dmp full=y

Note :why to do use the """oracle_userPassword"""" .if your password contains special characters ,then you can use this method .

orcl:spcified your database name .by default ,the database is orcl.

file=/SpecifiedPath/CustomName.dmp .Must use the name sufffix ".dmp".

by default ,the dmp files maybe have 20G of the size .

I have tried to export the dmp files ,if you have any dobut , you can contact me .learn form each other .

时间: 2024-08-02 13:43:11

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