打包的时候出现 Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code s

  1. error: Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target‘s code sign settings match the parent app‘s.
  2. Embedded Binary Signing Certificate:    iPhone Distribution: xxxx
  3. Parent App Signing Certificate:     iPhone Developer: xxx

首先要检查证书 描述文件是否过期 如果都未过期

这里出了本身项目的target 还有一个yihuapush的target 这里要保证这两个target 下bulidSetting下的设置是一样的


打包的时候出现 Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code s

时间: 2024-10-26 03:31:04

打包的时候出现 Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code s的相关文章

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