C++ Access Control

In C++ , access control works on per-class basis, not on per-object basis.


1.在 C++中,存取控制能力是类的性质,不是对象的性质。

2.在 C++中,存取控制能力是类的性质,不是对象的性质。

3.在 C++中,存取控制能力是类的性质,不是对象的性质。

作为在阅读<<Inside the object model>> 一书的时候,里面有写地方看的比较混乱,就查阅了<<C++ Primer>> 中的相关章节,看到了类中成员存取控制那一章节,突然想到了一个困惑自己多年的问题。于是乎上网搜答案,答案支离破碎,而且有点不知所云。在知乎上看见一个大牛说了一句:


乍看之下我没读懂,然后我一直反复思索这句话的意思,但是苦于没有例子,实在是难以悟出点东西。后来翻墙去Stack Overflow 搜了下答案,有人提出来同样的问题,就研究了下,终于对这句话有点理解,怕自己忘记了,所以写下博文。


public 继承下,Base class 的公有成员成为了Derived class 的公有成员,同理可以类比其余两种成员。


#include <iostream>
class Trival{
    int val;
    Trival(const Trival& another){
        val = another.val;//!!!

为何我们的object another可以存取私有成员呢?其实我很早就对此感到疑惑,但是但是水平欠缺,提问都不会,而且当时碍于书上的规则就是这么写的。





#include <iostream>
class Trival{
    int val;
class Derived :public Trival{
    void func(Trival* t1,Derived* d1){



我想不用过多的解释了。简单的说一句。对于上面的t1 来说,我们不可以直接访问自己的私有成员val,因为我们已经不是在Trival类中了,所以直接进行访问就是不合法的。但是这种形式常常会误导我们,让我们以为成员的存取访问是对象的性质。



下面附上Stakc Overflow 的链接



In Public Inheritance:

All Public members of the Base Class become Public Members of the derived class &

All Protected members of the Base Class become Protected Members of the Derived Class.

As per the above rule:

protected member x from A becomes protected member of class B.

class B can access its own protected members in its member function foo but it can only access members of A through which it was derived not all A classes.

In this case, class B contains a A pointer a, It cannot access the protected members of this contained class.

Why can the B::foo() access the members of the contained class B pointer b?

The rule is:

In C++ access control works on per-class basis, not on per-object basis.

So an instance of class B will always have access to all the members of another instance of class B.

Below is a example :


class MyClass
       MyClass (const std::string& data) : mData(data)

       const std::string& getData(const MyClass &instance) const
          return instance.mData;

      std::string mData;

int main() {
  MyClass a("Stack");
  MyClass b("Overflow");

  std::cout << "b via a = " << a.getData(b) << std::endl;
  return 0;
时间: 2024-07-31 02:00:52

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