Nexus usage experience

(一) visual sense

1. Unbox

包装盒有: 3张不同语言的开机说明; 一张取小卡的针+使用图解;2本Safety&Warranty(每本两面);一个Travel Adapter, 一个USB cable

2. Start phone

开机,选语言, 可选: (选wifi, 登帐户) , 打开后圆圈滑动解锁

3. 应用浏览(total: 29):

Google 系: Chrome, Drive, Gmail, Photos,  Google (Keep , Search, Settings), Google+, Hangouts,  Google Maps,  Play (Books, Games, Movies, Music, Newstand, Store),  Wallet, Youtube

System: Calculator, Calender, Camera, Clock, Downloads, Gallery, People, Phone, Settings

3rd: Quickoffice, News&Weather,

Can be used in mainland: Settings, Calculator, Clock, Phone, Downloads

4. Insert SIM card: Language changed by SIM automatically. Generate SIM tookit in home screen

5. Connect Wifi: Nomal, Accounts+Passward

(二) System

1. Android 4.4.3, baseband version(M8974A-,

kernal version(3.4.0-gd59db4e, [email protected] #1.Mon Mar 17 15:16:36 PDT 2014)

Build Number(KTU84M)

2. Right-Top(pull down statusbar): Settings Shotcut switcher(9 items Owner, Brightness, Settings, Signal, Wifi, Bettery, Airplane Mode, Bluetooth, Location)

2. Left-Top(pull down statusbar):  Time, jump time settings once clicked.

3. Statusbar(Normal): Bluetooth(Open mode), Wifi(Open mode), Signal indicator(traffic indicator when opened, data traffic icon is covered by wifi indicator once opened), Battery, Time;

时间: 2024-10-05 06:28:42

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