tracert 命令详解

tracert 命令详解

How to Use the TRACERT Utility

The TRACERT diagnostic utility determines the route to a destination by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets to the destination. In these packets, TRACERT uses varying IP Time-To-Live (TTL) values. Because each router along the path is required to decrement the packet‘s TTL by at least 1 before forwarding the packet, the TTL is effectively a hop counter. When the TTL on a packet reaches zero (0), the router sends an ICMP "Time Exceeded" message back to the source computer.

TRACERT sends the first echo packet with a TTL of 1 and increments the TTL by 1 on each subsequent transmission, until the destination responds or until the maximum TTL is reached. The ICMP "Time Exceeded" messages that intermediate routers send back show the route. Note however that some routers silently drop packets that have expired TTLs, and these packets are invisible to TRACERT.

TRACERT prints out an ordered list of the intermediate routers that return ICMP "Time Exceeded" messages. Using the -doption with the tracert command instructs TRACERT not to perform a DNS lookup on each IP address, so that TRACERT reports the IP address of the near-side interface of the routers.

In the following example of the tracert command and its output, the packet travels through two routers ( and to get to host In this example, the default gateway is and the IP address of the router on the network is at

The command:


The output from the command:

   Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
   1      2 ms       3 ms       2 ms
   2     75 ms      83 ms      88 ms
   3     73 ms      79 ms      93 ms

   Trace complete.

How to Use TRACERT to Troubleshoot

You can use TRACERT to find out where a packet stopped on the network. In the following example, the default gateway has found that there is no valid path for the host on Probably, either the router has a configuration problem, or the network does not exist, reflecting a bad IP address.

The command:


The output from the command:

   Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
   1  reports: Destination net unreachable.

   Trace complete.TRACERT is useful for troubleshooting large networks where several paths can lead to the same point or where many intermediate components (routers or bridges) are involved.

How to Use TRACERT Options

There are several command-line options that you can use with TRACERT, although the options are not usually necessary for standard troubleshooting. 

The following example of command syntax shows all of the possible options:

tracert -d -h maximum_hops -j host-list -w timeout target_host

What the parameters do:
      Specifies to not resolve addresses to host names

   -h maximum_hops
      Specifies the maximum number of hops to search for the target

   -j host-list
      Specifies loose source route along the host-list

   -w timeout
      Waits the number of milliseconds specified by timeout for each

      Specifies the name or IP address of the target host
时间: 2024-10-13 17:09:21

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tracert也被称为Windows路由跟踪实用程序,在命令提示符(cmd)中使用tracert命令可以用于确定IP数据包访问目标时所选择的路径.本文主要探讨了tracert命令的各个功能. 百度经验 工具/原料 计算机一台,要求安装Windows操作系统,本例中采用的是Win7版本. 百度经验 方法/步骤 1 进入Windows命令提示符程序.Win7系统直接在开始菜单下方的输入框中输入“cmd”或“命令提示符”就可以进入


17:06:40 正在等待客服售后工程师令狐冲接入,您可以先简单描述所要咨询的问题,如果长时间没有响应,您也可以 重新选择客服 . 17:06:42 您好,客服售后工程师令狐冲为您服务.售后工程师令狐冲 17:06:52 尊敬的用户您好,很高兴为您服务,请问有什么可以帮到您呢?前端 17:06:58 你好,帮看下这个vps[图]2/3地区ping不通前端 17:07:05 售后工程师令狐冲 17:07:18 请您提供您的FTP名(虚拟主机用户)及服务器IP(VPS 用户),我帮您查询!好吗?前端


tracert也被称为Windows路由跟踪实用程序,在命令提示符(cmd)中使用tracert命令可以用于确定IP数据包访问目标时所选择的路径.本文主要探讨了tracert命令的各个功能. 工具/原料 计算机一台,要求安装Windows操作系统,本例中采用的是Win7版本. 方法/步骤 1 进入Windows命令提示符程序.Win7系统直接在开始菜单下方的输入框中输入"cmd"或"命令提示符"就可以进入了.XP系统需要在开始菜单中找到运行(或按下快捷键R),在运行

网络管理常用命令之五 - Tracert 命令详解(图文)

5.tracert命令... Tracert工作原理... 不带选项... -d选项... -h选项... -w选项... 5.tracert命令 Tracert是路由跟踪程序,用于确定 IP 数据报访问目标所经过的路径.Tracert 命令用 IP 生存时间 (TTL) 字段和 ICMP 错误消息来确定从一个主机到网络上其他主机的路由. 在工作环境中有多条链路出口时,可以通过该命令查询数据是经过的哪一条链路出口. Tracert一般用来检测故障的位置,我们可以使用用tracert IP命令确定


Tracert是什么? Tracert(跟踪路由)是路由跟踪实用程序,用于确定 IP 数据包访问目标所采取的路径.Tracert 命令用 IP 生存时间 (TTL) 字段和 ICMP 错误消息来确定从一个主机到网络上其他主机的路由. Tracert使用UDP服务,使用了两个ICMP报文——超时报文和终点不可达报文来找出一个分组的路由.下面是使用截图: ①    一般而言,图中的第一个往返时间都会比较大,这是因为第一次发送IP分组,需要使用ARP协议找到路由器的物理地址的原因.此时路由器的物理地址

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不管是做网络管理还是做系统运维,都会出现一些网络链路问题,大多数人都知道PING命令,可以简单的测试网络的连通性,但是却无法确定是在哪里出现了问 题,有些人就会用tracert命令来查看途经路由,或者用nslookup命令来查看DNS是否可用(话说这命令我都没怎么用过),如果三个命令都用的 话就太浪费时间了,也太麻烦了,但是如果只用其中一个命令的话,又不好排查,这时候就要用到mtr命令了,Mtr是 Linux中有一个非常棒的网络连通性判断工具,它结合了ping, tracert,nslookup


:如何把 java 程序编译成 .exe 文件.通常回答只有两种,一种是说,制作一个可执行的 JAR 文件包,就可以像.chm 文档一样双击运行了:而另一种回答,则是使用 JET 来进行编译.但是 JET 是要用钱买的,而且,据说 JET 也不是能把所有的 Java 程序都编译成执行文件,性能也要打些折扣.所以,使用制作可执行 JAR 文件包的方法就是最佳选择了,何况它还能保持 Java 的跨平台特性.先来看看什么是 JAR 文件包: 1. JAR 文件包 JAR 文件就是 Java Archi