JMS - Temporary Destination

Although sessions are used to create temporary destinations, this is only for convenience. Their scope is actually the entire connection. Their lifetime is that of their connection, and any of the connection’s sessions is allowed to create a MessageConsumer for them.

Temporary destinations (TemporaryQueue or TemporaryTopic objects) are destinations that are system-generated uniquely for their connection. Only their own connection is allowed to create MessageConsumers for them.

One typical use for a temporary destination is as the JMSReplyTo destination for service requests.

Each TemporaryQueue or TemporaryTopic object is unique. It cannot be copied.

Since temporary destinations may allocate resources outside the JVM, they should be deleted if they are no longer needed. They will be automatically deleted when they are garbage collected or when their connection is closed.


A TemporaryQueue is a unique Queue object created for the duration of a Connection or QueueConnection. It is a system-defined queue that can be consumed only by the Connection or QueueConnection that created it.

A TemporaryTopic

A TemporaryTopic is a unique Topic object created for the duration of a Connection or TopicConnection. It is a system-defined Topic that can be consumed only by the Connection or TopicConnection that created it.

By definition, it does not make sense to create a durable subscription to a temporary topic. To do this is a programming error that may or may not be detected by a JMS provider.

时间: 2024-10-28 01:15:03

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