出现错误:unable to connect to a repository at url 解决办法1. 右键点击本地副本,TortoiseSVN -> Settings -> Saved Data,2. 点击个个“Clear”按钮,把本地缓存都清除了,点击“确定”:3. 再重新checkout即可!
安装要SVN server服务器后,建立自己的Repositories,创建自己的项目文件夹 如,https://xxxxxxxxxx.com:8443/ 安装Tortoise-svn进行设置目标链接时,出现问题unable to connect to a repository at url no element found 解决办法: 最后加上svn就ok了
RHEL7.0在安装完成virt-manager后,启动libvirtd服务进程 [[email protected] Desktop]# systemctl enable libvirtd [[email protected] Desktop]# systemctl start libvirtd 在使用virt-manager命令启动虚拟机管理软件时,提示unable to connect to libvirt Unable to connect to libvirt. no connecti
1. 相信很多同学刚接触selenium时,在Eclipse中打开fireFox浏览器是报报错:org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:...(异常代码太多此处省略) 在网上找了好多方法都是不能解决问题,结果是焦头烂额! 2.其实这是selenium的jar包和
使用Sharepoint进行搜索时,出现以下提示:The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service: 进入前端服务器,发现以下错误: Source: Office Server Search Event ID : 10040 Description: The last query machine has been taken out of rotation. Check previous event logs to de