VC++6.0在Win7以上系统上Open或Add to Project files崩溃问题 解决新办法







PS: For those who use windows 7 and VC6; I had problems getting the actual setup program to work properly. Instead, I updated it manually. To fix the Add->Files problem, make sure you are NOT running any part of Visual Studio 6.0 and make sure also you dont have any files open either local or over the network (on the safe side, just disable your network). Then you can fix it by doing this:

  1. Download and Unpack the VC6 SP6 into a dir like C:\INSTALL
  2. Locate and open it with an archive editor (I use winrar)
  3. locate the subfolder common\msdev98\bin in the archive
  4. Assuming your VC6 is installed in c:\program files\microsoft visual studio, go to this folder in explorer "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\common\MSDev98\Bin"
  5. Backup all the files and folders in this directory before proceeding, I just put them in a .rar file just in case something went wrong.
  6. Now, select all the files and folders listed in your archive program‘s file view (you should still be in the folder mentioned in step 3).
  7. Drag them or extract them to the folder mentioned in step 4.
  8. When asked, make sure you confirm that you wish to overwrite the files (do for every one or use checkbox at bottom).
  9. Depending on what suite of VS6 you have, you may need to delete msdev.exe and rename one of the msdevP.exe or msdevS.exe. If you are using Enterprise Edition, you dont need to. My guess is that msdevP is for Professional Edition and msdevS is for Standard Edition.
  10. Once you have done all that, start visual studio and open/create a project. Then try project->add->files, you should be good to go. Remember this method works for Windows 7 x86, i dont know if it would work in vista or in x64 versions.
  11. Hope this helps someone - I feel that since I know about it I should share it since it isn‘t an overly obvious alternative and if reversed I would hope others would do the same.





然后把winrar窗口中的文件及文件夹 直接ctrl + A 全选,拖动到该文件夹下,若提示文件或文件夹直接替换和覆盖。一般我们装的VC++都是企业版吧,这样把msdevP.exe和msdevS.exe删除就行了,否则专业版(P)或标准版(S) VC++6.0要将msdevP.exe或msdevS.exe改名为msdev.exe替换掉原来的。

好了,再打开一个VC++6.0工程,试试打开按钮 和 添加文件到工程按钮 是不是正常了~~~


时间: 2024-08-08 18:21:51

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