EMC networker nmm can restore and recover sqlserver as different name to different location

That is true.

However, we should select this oprtions when installing NMM

We need to build empty database on target machine.

After that.

Yes, you can set up the source and destination

select  relocate and overwrite exist empty database (with replace)

The that is OK. You can see restore log

43708:(pid 1160):Start time: Tue Mar 07 10:35:25 2017
43621:(pid 1160):Computer Name: TEST02 User Name: administrator
69318:(pid 1160):Recover database ‘DB‘: No exact match of backup was found for the specified time: Mon Jul 03 06:31:04 2017
69319:(pid 1160):No transaction log backups after this time were found, performing a Point-In-Time restore is not possible.
69320:(pid 1160):Database ‘IFDB‘ will be restored to the immediately previous backup of save time: Tue Mar 07 09:31:15 2017
37725:(pid 1160):Recovering database ‘FCSIFDB‘ into ‘TEST‘ ...
142468:(pid 1160):[4768]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/DB.
4690:(pid 1160):RESTORE database [TEST] FROM virtual_device=‘Legato#b782505a-fe8f-41f3-a0e8-4c4e5b62fe25‘ WITH move ‘FCSIFDB‘ to ‘N:\TEST\TEST.mdf‘, move ‘DB_log‘ to ‘N:\TEST\TESTLog.ldf‘, replace, maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 1160):The restore of database ‘DB‘ completed successfully.
142468:(pid 1160):[4768]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/DB.
4690:(pid 1160):RESTORE log [TEST] FROM virtual_device=‘Legato#db5604e9-2382-420f-a84a-34f90ff15c7f‘ WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 1160):The restore of database ‘DB‘ completed successfully.
142468:(pid 1160):[4768]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/DB.
4690:(pid 1160):RESTORE log [TEST] FROM virtual_device=‘Legato#7b007fb6-05dc-466a-9512-04ab9d519919‘ WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 1160):The restore of database DB‘ completed successfully.
142468:(pid 1160):[4768]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/DB.
4690:(pid 1160):RESTORE log [TEST] FROM virtual_device=‘Legato#5c5a642f-19a7-4db2-94c7-189b568df535‘ WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304
35866:(pid 1160):The restore of database ‘DB‘ completed successfully.
29310:(pid 1160):
Received 91 MB 4 item(s) from NSR server (size information for snapshot(s) is not available).
nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcovmain.cpp(442): Entering cleanUp().
nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcovmain.cpp(500): Exiting cleanUp().
43709:(pid 1160):Stop time: Tue Mar 07 10:38:01 2017

nsrsqlrc.exe -s BACKUP -c nb51 -C" ‘DB‘=‘N:\TEST\TEST.mdf‘, ‘DB_log‘=‘N:\TEST\TESTLog.ldf‘" -f -t "07/03/2017 6:31:04" -S normal -d "MSSQL:TEST" "MSSQL:DB"

That is all


时间: 2025-01-22 17:43:29

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