1.1 集合小介
1.2 映射小介
1.3 类文件
package com.hibernate; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class CollectionMapping { //id private int id; public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } //名字 private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } //Set集合 private Set setValues; public Set getSetValues() { return setValues; } public void setSetValues(Set setValues) { this.setValues = setValues; } //List集合 private List listValues; public List getListValues() { return listValues; } public void setListValues(List listValues) { this.listValues = listValues; } //数组集合 private String[] arrayValues; public String[] getArrayValues() { return arrayValues; } public void setArrayValues(String[] arrayValues) { this.arrayValues = arrayValues; } //Map集合 private Map mapValues; public Map getMapValues() { return mapValues; } public void setMapValues(Map mapValues) { this.mapValues = mapValues; } }
1.4 集合映射
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"> <hibernate-mapping> <class name="com.hibernate.CollectionMapping" table="t_collection_mapping"> <id name="id"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="name"/> <set name="setValues" table="t_set_values"> <key column="set_id"></key> <element type="string" column="set_value"></element> </set> <list name="listValues" table="t_list_values"> <key column="list_id"/> <list-index column="list_index"/> <element type="string" column="list_value"/> </list> <map name="mapValues" table="t_map_values"> <key column="map_id"/> <map-key type="string" column="map_key"/> <element type="string" column="map_value"/> </map> <array name="arrayValues" table="t_array_value"> <key column="array_id"/> <index column="array_index" type="integer"></index> <element type="string" column="array_value"/> </array> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
The content of element type "list" must match "(meta*,subselect?,cache?,synchronize*,comment?,key,(index|list-index),(element|one-to-many|many-to-many|composite-element|many-to-any),loader?,sql-insert?,sql-update?,sql-delete?,sql-delete-all?,filter*)".
1.5 关系模型
alter table t_array_value drop foreign key FK2E0DD0C067676B68 alter table t_list_values drop foreign key FKE01EC98BF4FCB03 alter table t_map_values drop foreign key FKD169BA107402B585 alter table t_set_values drop foreign key FK7BB8D04A7E79F8BF drop table if exists t_array_value drop table if exists t_collection_mapping drop table if exists t_list_values drop table if exists t_map_values drop table if exists t_set_values create table t_array_value (array_id integer not null, array_value varchar(255), array_index integer not null, primary key (array_id, array_index)) create table t_collection_mapping (id integer not null auto_increment, name varchar(255), primary key (id)) create table t_list_values (list_id integer not null, list_value varchar(255), list_index integer not null, primary key (list_id, list_index)) create table t_map_values (map_id integer not null, map_value varchar(255), map_key varchar(255) not null, primary key (map_id, map_key)) create table t_set_values (set_id integer not null, set_value varchar(255)) alter table t_array_value add index FK2E0DD0C067676B68 (array_id), add constraint FK2E0DD0C067676B68 foreign key (array_id) references t_collection_mapping (id) alter table t_list_values add index FKE01EC98BF4FCB03 (list_id), add constraint FKE01EC98BF4FCB03 foreign key (list_id) references t_collection_mapping (id) alter table t_map_values add index FKD169BA107402B585 (map_id), add constraint FKD169BA107402B585 foreign key (map_id) references t_collection_mapping (id) alter table t_set_values add index FK7BB8D04A7E79F8BF (set_id), add constraint FK7BB8D04A7E79F8BF foreign key (set_id) references t_collection_mapping (id)
2.1 数据写入
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void testsave(){ Session session=null; try{ session=HibernateUtils.getSession(); session.beginTransaction(); CollectionMapping cm=new CollectionMapping(); cm.setName("zhangsan"); Set set=new HashSet(); set.add("a"); set.add("b"); cm.setSetValues(set); List list=new ArrayList(); list.add("list1"); list.add("list2"); cm.setListValues(list); String[] str=new String[]{"array1","array2"}; cm.setArrayValues(str); Map map=new HashMap(); map.put("k1","v1"); map.put("k2", "v2"); cm.setMapValues(map); session.save(cm); session.getTransaction().commit(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); session.getTransaction().rollback(); }finally{ HibernateUtils.closeSession(session); } }
Hibernate: insert into t_collection_mapping (name) values (?) Hibernate: insert into t_set_values (set_id, set_value) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into t_set_values (set_id, set_value) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into t_list_values (list_id, list_index, list_value) values (?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into t_list_values (list_id, list_index, list_value) values (?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into t_map_values (map_id, map_key, map_value) values (?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into t_map_values (map_id, map_key, map_value) values (?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into t_array_value (array_id, array_index, array_value) values (?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into t_array_value (array_id, array_index, array_value) values (?, ?, ?)
2.2 加载数据
public void testload(){ Session session=null; try{ session=HibernateUtils.getSession(); session.beginTransaction(); CollectionMapping cm=(CollectionMapping)session.load(CollectionMapping.class, 1); System.out.println("cm.name= "+cm.getName()); System.out.println("cm.list= "+cm.getListValues()); System.out.println("cm.map= "+cm.getMapValues()); System.out.println("cm.array= "+cm.getArrayValues()); System.out.println("cm.set= "+cm.getSetValues()); session.getTransaction().commit(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); session.getTransaction().rollback(); }finally{ HibernateUtils.closeSession(session); } }
Hibernate: select collection0_.id as id0_0_, collection0_.name as name0_0_ from t_collection_mapping collection0_ where collection0_.id=? Hibernate: select arrayvalue0_.array_id as array1_0_, arrayvalue0_.array_value as array2_0_, arrayvalue0_.array_index as array3_0_ from t_array_value arrayvalue0_ where arrayvalue0_.array_id=? cm.name= zhangsan Hibernate: select listvalues0_.list_id as list1_0_, listvalues0_.list_value as list2_0_, listvalues0_.list_index as list3_0_ from t_list_values listvalues0_ where listvalues0_.list_id=? cm.list= [list1, list2] Hibernate: select mapvalues0_.map_id as map1_0_, mapvalues0_.map_value as map2_0_, mapvalues0_.map_key as map3_0_ from t_map_values mapvalues0_ where mapvalues0_.map_id=? cm.map= {k1=v1, k2=v2} cm.array= [Ljava.lang.String;@758d8478 Hibernate: select setvalues0_.set_id as set1_0_, setvalues0_.set_value as set2_0_ from t_set_values setvalues0_ where setvalues0_.set_id=? cm.set= [b, a]