AX 的 NumberSequences

EG: 在库存模块新加一个numberSequences.

1. 新加一个EDT\ SML_Test1;

2. 在库存模块的



    numRef.DataTypeId              = typeId2ExtendedTypeId(typeid(SML_Test1));
    numRef.ReferenceHelp           = literalstr("SML test1");
    numRef.ReferenceLabel          = literalstr("SML test1");
    numRef.WizardContinuous        = false;
    numRef.WizardManual            = NoYes::No;
    numRef.WizardAllowChangeDown   = NoYes::No;
    numRef.WizardAllowChangeUp     = NoYes::No;
    numRef.WizardLowest            = 0;
    numRef.WizardHighest           = maxint();
    numRef.SortField               = 600;

3.基本设置\设置\编号规则\编号规则 –> 点“向导"按钮,设置SML_Test1编号规则



static void SMLTestNumSeq(Args _args)
    SML_Test1   test1;
    NumberSequenceReference NumberSeqReference;
    NumberSeq               numberSeq;

    NumberSeqReference = NumberSeqReference::findReference(typeId2ExtendedTypeId(typeid(SML_Test1)));
    numberSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNum(NumberSeqReference, true, false);
    test1 = numberSeq.num();


时间: 2025-01-18 02:36:46

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