Mining Diverse Patterns

Mining Diverse Patterns

@(Pattern Discovery in Data Mining)

  • Mining Diverse Patterns

      • Mining Multi-level Association Rules
      • Mining Multi-dimensional Associations
      • Mining Quantitative Associations
      • Mining Negative Correlations
      • Mining Compressed Patterns
      • Mining Colossal Patterns

Mining Multi-level Association Rules

The intuition to set hierarchical min_sup: Level-reduced min-support (Items at the lower level are expected to have lower support)

Efficient mining: Shared multi-level mining (Use the lowest min-support to pass down the set of candidates)

Redundancy Filtering at Mining Multi-Level Associations:

* Multi-level association mining may generate many redundant rules

* Redundancy filtering: Some rules may be redundant due to “ancestor” relationships between items

* (Suppose the 2% milk sold is about 1?4 of milk sold in gallons)

1. milk → wheat bread [support = 8%, confidence = 70%]

2. 2% milk → wheat bread [support = 2%, confidence = 72%]

  • A rule is redundant if its support is close to the “expected” value, according to its “ancestor” rule, and it has a similar confidence as its “ancestor”
  • Rule (1) is an ancestor of rule (2), so rule(2) is to prune.

Customized Min-Supports for Different Kinds of Items

* We have used the same min-support threshold for all the items or item sets to be mined in each association mining

* In reality, some items (e.g., diamond, watch, …) are valuable but less frequent

* It is necessary to have customized min-support settings for different kinds of items

* One Method: Use group-based “individualized” min-support

* E.g., {diamond, watch}: 0.05%; {bread, milk}: 5%; …

* How to mine such rules efficiently?

* Existing scalable mining algorithms can be easily extended to cover such cases

Mining Multi-dimensional Associations

  • Single-dimensional rules (e.g., items are all in “product” dimension)

    • buys(X, “milk”) → buys(X, “bread”)
  • Multi-dimensional rules (i.e., items in ≥ 2 dimensions or predicates)
    • Inter-dimension association rules (no repeated predicates)

      • age(X, “18-25”) ∧ occupation(X, “student”) → buys(X, “coke”)
    • Hybrid-dimension association rules (repeated predicates)
      • age(X, “18-25”) ∧ buys(X, “popcorn”) → buys(X, “coke”)
  • Attributes can be categorical or numerical
    • Categorical Attributes (e.g., profession, product: no ordering among values): Data cube for inter-dimension association
    • Quantitative Attributes: Numeric, implicit ordering among values— discretization, clustering, and gradient approaches

Mining Quantitative Associations

Mining Negative Correlations

  • Rare Pattern vs. Negative Pattern

  • Defining Negative Correlated Patterns
  • Support-based definition

  • Kulczynski measure-based difinision

  • Exercise

Mining Compressed Patterns

Given a table of patterns and their supports:

Why mining compressed patterns? Since there are too many scattered patterns but not so meaningful.

We can find that P1 and P2 are similar both in item-sets and support, and so do P1 and P5 with similar item-sets. But how to compressed those similar patterns?

We can also analyze about it that:

* Closed patterns

* P1, P2, P3, P4, P5(all have no identical supports)

* Emphasizes too much on support

* There is no compression

* Max-patterns

* P3: information loss

* Desired output (a good balance):

* P2, P3, P4

So we can define some compressing method

  1. pattern distance measure


    • δ-clustering: For each pattern P, find all patterns which can be expressed by P and whose distance to P is within δ (δ-cover)
    • All patterns in the cluster can be represented by P
    • Method for efficient, direct mining of compressed frequent patterns (e.g., Xin et al., VLDB’05)
  2. Redundancy-Aware Top-k Patterns

Mining Colossal Patterns

时间: 2024-10-23 21:05:07

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