Solution 2: Min Stack



实现栈的push(), pop()及getMin()函数,要求函数的时间复杂度为O(1).





public class MinStack {
	private Stack<Integer> normal;
	private Stack<Integer> min;

	public MinStack() {
		normal = new Stack<Integer>();
		min = new Stack<Integer>();

	public void push(int elem) {
		if (min.isEmpty() || min.peek() >= elem) {

	public int pop() throws Exception {
		if (normal.isEmpty()) {
			throw new Exception("Error: The Stack is Empty!");
		int res = normal.pop();
		if (min.peek() == res) {
		return res;

	public int getMin() throws Exception {
		if (min.isEmpty()) {
			throw new Exception("Error: The Stack is Empty!");
		return min.peek();
时间: 2024-08-03 06:37:45

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LeetCode算法题-Min Stack(Java实现)

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