light_oj 1138 求阶乘后导零的个数

light_oj 1138  求阶乘后导零的个数

N - Trailing Zeroes (III)

Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu

Submit Status Practice LightOJ 1138


You task is to find minimal natural number N, so that N! contains exactly Q zeroes on the trail in decimal notation. As you know N! = 1*2*...*N. For example, 5! = 120, 120 contains one zero on the trail.


Input starts with an integer T (≤ 10000), denoting the number of test cases.

Each case contains an integer Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 108) in a line.


For each case, print the case number and N. If no solution is found then print ‘impossible‘.

Sample Input





Sample Output

Case 1: 5

Case 2: 10

Case 3: impossible


思路:后导零,就是找2和5,由于5比2多所以直接找5,q!中有多少个因子5即有多少个后导零,每个5的倍数贡献一个后导零,每个25的倍数多贡献一个后导零,每个5^3又多贡献一个后导数零,以此类推.....阶乘q!后导零个数即为f(q)=q/5+q/25+q/125+.....。 然后二分解函数f(x)=n即可。


using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;
const int maxn=1000100;
const ll INF=(1<<29);
const double EPS=0.0000000001;
const double Pi=acos(-1.0);

ll n;

ll f(ll x)
    ll res=0,t=5;
    return res;

ll bin_search(ll left,ll right,ll key)
        ll mid=(left+right)/2;
        if(f(mid)==key&&f(mid-1)<key) return mid;
        else if(f(mid)<key) left=mid+1;
        else right=mid-1;
    return -1;

int main()
    int T,tag=1;
        ll ans=bin_search(1,INF,n);
        printf("Case %d: ",tag++);
        if(ans!=-1) printf("%lld\n",ans);
        else puts("impossible");
    return 0;

时间: 2024-12-13 14:35:03

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