Eclipse The hierarchy of the type … is inconsisten

I am developing a Spring/Vaadin/Hibernate application.

Everything works but I still have the following error markers in Eclipse STS 2.8.1:

The hierarchy of the type BankView is inconsistent
The hierarchy of the type AbstractEntityView is inconsistent

In my case, I found the The hierarchy of the type ... is inconsistent error in Eclipse being caused by a jar file class from which I was extending my class referencing a class that was not in the build path.

So if you have:

// in other.dep.jar
class FromOtherDepJar {}

// in dep.jar
class FromDepJar extends FromOtherDepJar {}

// in the current project
class ProblematicClass extends FromDepJar {}

If dep.jar is in the project‘s classpath, but other.dep.jar isn‘t, Eclipse will show the The hierarchy of the type ... is inconsistent error.

Take a look at the Problems View in Eclipse, the Description column is more verbose about what the actual problem is than the hover-over.

时间: 2024-12-06 05:55:25

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