1.pdfjs-v1.7.225 前端pdf格式文件的显示组件
2.webuploader-0.1.5 百度的文件上传组件
3.video-js-6.2.5 html5视频播放组件
4.openoffice-4.1.3 本地安装的,这里主要用于文档转pdf的程序
5.jodconverter-core 3.0-beta-4 java调用openoffice的包
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 6 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> 7 <title>文件预览Demo</title> 8 <!-- jquery --> 9 <script src="./plugIns/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> 10 <!-- bootstrap --> 11 <link rel="stylesheet" href="./plugIns/bootstrap-3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"> 12 <script src="./plugIns/bootstrap-3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 13 <!-- webuploader --> 14 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./plugIns/webuploader-0.1.5/webuploader.css"> 15 <script type="text/javascript" src="./plugIns/webuploader-0.1.5/webuploader.min.js"></script> 16 <!-- font-awesome --> 17 <link rel="stylesheet" href="./plugIns/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> 18 <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/filepreview/preview.css"> 19 </head> 20 21 <body> 22 <div class="container" style="padding-top:150px;"> 23 <div> 24 <div class="list"> 25 26 </div> 27 </div> 28 <div id="uploader" class="wu-example"> 29 <!--用来存放文件信息--> 30 <div id="thelist" class="uploader-list"></div> 31 <div class="btns"> 32 <div id="picker">选择文件</div> 33 <button id="ctlBtn" class="btn btn-default">开始上传</button> 34 </div> 35 </div> 36 </div> 37 <div class="load"> 38 <img src="./images/loading.gif" alt=""> 39 </div> 40 </body> 41 <script src="./js/filepreview/preview.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 42 <script src="./js/filepreview/upload.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 43 </html>
1 $(function() { 2 var $list = $(‘#thelist‘), 3 $btn = $(‘#ctlBtn‘), 4 state = ‘pending‘; 5 var uploader = WebUploader.create({ 6 // swf文件路径 7 swf: ‘./plugIns/webuploader-0.1.5/Uploader.swf‘, 8 // 文件接收服务端。 9 server: ‘/file/upload‘, 10 // 选择文件的按钮。可选。 11 // 内部根据当前运行是创建,可能是input元素,也可能是flash. 12 pick: ‘#picker‘, 13 // 不压缩image, 默认如果是jpeg,文件上传前会压缩一把再上传! 14 resize: false, 15 // 开起分片上传。 16 chunked: true, 17 //fileSingleSizeLimit: 10*1024*1024,//限制大小10M,单文件 18 //fileSizeLimit: allMaxSize*1024*1024,//限制大小10M,所有被选文件,超出选择不上 19 //设置允许上传的文件类型,不过点击选择文件的时候会很卡 20 // accept: { 21 // title: ‘Images‘, 22 // extensions: ‘jpg,png‘, 23 // mimeTypes: ‘image/*‘ 24 // } 25 }); 26 // 当有文件被添加进队列的时候 27 uploader.on(‘fileQueued‘, function(file) { 28 let typeList = [‘png‘, ‘jpg‘, ‘txt‘, ‘xls‘, ‘doc‘, ‘ppt‘, ‘pdf‘, ‘mp4‘,‘docx‘,‘pptx‘,‘xlsx‘]; 29 if(!typeList.includes(file.name.split(‘.‘)[1])){ 30 alert("不支持的文件类型!"); 31 uploader.removeFile( file ); 32 return; 33 } 34 35 36 $list.append(‘<div id="‘ + file.id + ‘" class="item">‘ + 37 ‘<h4 class="info">‘ + file.name + ‘</h4>‘ + 38 ‘<p class="state">等待上传...</p>‘ + 39 ‘</div>‘); 40 }); 41 // 文件上传过程中创建进度条实时显示。 42 uploader.on(‘uploadProgress‘, function(file, percentage) { 43 var $li = $(‘#‘ + file.id), 44 $percent = $li.find(‘.progress .progress-bar‘); 45 46 // 避免重复创建 47 if (!$percent.length) { 48 $percent = $(‘<div class="progress progress-striped active">‘ + 49 ‘<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="width: 0%">‘ + 50 ‘</div>‘ + 51 ‘</div>‘).appendTo($li).find(‘.progress-bar‘); 52 } 53 54 $li.find(‘p.state‘).text(‘上传中‘); 55 56 $percent.css(‘width‘, percentage * 100 + ‘%‘); 57 }); 58 uploader.on(‘uploadSuccess‘, function(file) { 59 getFileList(); 60 $(‘#‘ + file.id).find(‘p.state‘).text(‘已上传‘); 61 }); 62 63 uploader.on(‘uploadError‘, function(file) { 64 $(‘#‘ + file.id).find(‘p.state‘).text(‘上传出错‘); 65 }); 66 67 uploader.on(‘uploadComplete‘, function(file) { 68 $(‘#‘ + file.id).find(‘.progress‘).fadeOut(); 69 }); 70 71 uploader.on(‘all‘, function(type) { 72 if (type === ‘startUpload‘) { 73 state = ‘uploading‘; 74 } else if (type === ‘stopUpload‘) { 75 state = ‘paused‘; 76 } else if (type === ‘uploadFinished‘) { 77 state = ‘done‘; 78 } 79 80 if (state === ‘uploading‘) { 81 $btn.text(‘暂停上传‘); 82 } else { 83 $btn.text(‘开始上传‘); 84 } 85 }); 86 87 $btn.on(‘click‘, function() { 88 if (state === ‘uploading‘) { 89 uploader.stop(); 90 } else { 91 uploader.upload(); 92 } 93 }); 94 });
1 $(function() { 2 const typeList = [‘png‘, ‘jpg‘, ‘txt‘, ‘xls‘, ‘doc‘, ‘ppt‘, ‘pdf‘,‘docx‘,‘pptx‘,‘xlsx‘]; 3 getFileList = function() { 4 $(".list").empty(); 5 $.get("/file/list", function(data) { 6 data = JSON.parse(data); 7 for (let file of data) { 8 let htmlStr = ‘<a class="point file" data-file="‘ + file.name + ‘" data-size="‘ + file.size + ‘" data-type="‘+ file.type +‘">‘; 9 if (file.type.toLowerCase() == ‘png‘ || file.type.toLowerCase() == ‘jpg‘) { 10 htmlStr = ‘<a class="file" target="_blank" href="./filelist/‘ + file.name + ‘">‘; 11 } else if (file.type.toLowerCase() == ‘pdf‘) { 12 htmlStr = ‘<a class="file" target="_blank" href="http://localhost:8080/plugIns/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=../../../../filelist/‘ + file.name + ‘">‘; 13 } else if (file.type.toLowerCase() == ‘mp4‘) { 14 htmlStr = ‘<a class="file" target="_blank" href="video?path=../../filelist/‘ + file.name + ‘">‘; 15 } 16 let imgName = file.type==‘docx‘||file.type==‘xlsx‘||file.type==‘pptx‘?file.type.substr(0,file.type.length-1):file.type; 17 $(".list").append( 18 ‘<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-2">‘ + htmlStr + 19 ‘<embed src="./images/svg/‘ + imgName + ‘.svg" type="image/svg+xml" /><span>‘ + file.name + 20 ‘</span></a> <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> <span class="number">‘+file.number+‘</span></div>‘ 21 ); 22 } 23 }); 24 } 25 getFileList(); 26 27 /** 28 * 无法直接查看的文件,需要server先进行转换 29 */ 30 $(".list").on("click", ".point", function() { 31 let date = new Date().getTime(); 32 let param = $(this).data("file"); 33 let type = $(this).data("type"); 34 if (typeList.indexOf(type)==-1) { 35 alert("暂不支持预览的文件类型!"); 36 return; 37 } 38 if ($(this).data("size") >= 11534336) { 39 alert("文件太大,暂不支持预览!"); 40 return; 41 } 42 $(‘.load‘).addClass(‘active‘); 43 $.ajax({ 44 type: ‘post‘, 45 url: ‘/file/preview‘, 46 data: param, 47 contentType: ‘application/json‘, 48 dataType: ‘text‘, 49 success: function(data) { 50 $(‘.load‘).removeClass(‘active‘); 51 console.log("转换耗时===>" + (new Date().getTime() - date) + "ms"); 52 window.open("http://localhost:8080/plugIns/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=../../../../filelist/temp/" + data + ".pdf"); 53 }, 54 error: function(error) { 55 $(‘.load‘).removeClass(‘active‘); 56 alert("error!"); 57 } 58 }); 59 }); 60 61 /** 62 * 查看文件,浏览量累加 63 */ 64 $(".list").on("click", ".file", function() { 65 let nSpan = $(this).parent().find(‘.number‘); 66 nSpan.text(nSpan.text()/1+1); 67 }); 68 });
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 4 <head> 5 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 7 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> 8 <title></title> 9 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/plugIns/video-js-6.2.5/video-js.min.css"> 10 <!-- If you‘d like to support IE8 --> 11 <script src="/plugIns/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> 12 <script src="/plugIns/video-js-6.2.5/ie8/videojs-ie8.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 13 <script src="/Global.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 14 <style media="screen"> 15 .videoCont { 16 padding-top: 150px; 17 } 18 </style> 19 </head> 20 21 <body> 22 <div class="videoCont"> 23 <video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="720" height="480" poster="MY_VIDEO_POSTER.jpg" data-setup="{}"> 24 <source src="http://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 25 <!-- <source src="http://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.webm" type="video/webm"> 26 <source src="/filelist/Wildlife.wmv" type="video/wmv"> --> 27 <p class="vjs-no-js"> 28 To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that 29 <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a> 30 </p> 31 </video> 32 </div> 33 <script src="/plugIns/video-js-6.2.5/video.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 34 <script type="text/javascript"> 35 let wWidth = document.body.clientWidth; 36 $(‘.videoCont‘).css(‘padding-left‘,(wWidth-$(‘#my-video‘).attr("width"))/2); 37 let path = Global.getParamByKey("path"); 38 $("#my-video source[type=‘video/mp4‘]").attr("src",path); 39 var myPlayer = videojs(‘my-video‘); 40 videojs("my-video").ready(function() { 41 var myPlayer = this; 42 myPlayer.play(); 43 }); 44 </script> 45 </body> 46 47 </html>
1 <dependencies> 2 <!-- Spring Boot web依赖 --> 3 <dependency> 4 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 5 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> 6 </dependency> 7 8 <!-- Junit --> 9 <dependency> 10 <groupId>junit</groupId> 11 <artifactId>junit</artifactId> 12 <version>4.12</version> 13 </dependency> 14 <dependency> 15 <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId> 16 <artifactId>commons-lang3</artifactId> 17 <version>3.6</version> 18 </dependency> 19 <!-- openoffice --> 20 <dependency> 21 <groupId>org.quartz-scheduler</groupId> 22 <artifactId>quartz</artifactId> 23 <version>2.3.0</version> 24 </dependency> 25 <!-- 不支持03之后的office --> 26 <dependency> 27 <groupId>com.artofsolving</groupId> 28 <artifactId>jodconverter</artifactId> 29 <version>2.2.1</version> 30 </dependency> 31 <!-- 支持03之后的office --> 32 <dependency> 33 <groupId>org.artofsolving.jodconverter</groupId> 34 <artifactId>jodconverter-core</artifactId> 35 <version>3.0-beta-4</version> 36 </dependency> 37 <dependency> 38 <groupId>org.openoffice</groupId> 39 <artifactId>jurt</artifactId> 40 <version>3.0.1</version> 41 </dependency> 42 <dependency> 43 <groupId>org.openoffice</groupId> 44 <artifactId>ridl</artifactId> 45 <version>3.0.1</version> 46 </dependency> 47 <dependency> 48 <groupId>org.openoffice</groupId> 49 <artifactId>juh</artifactId> 50 <version>3.0.1</version> 51 </dependency> 52 <dependency> 53 <groupId>org.openoffice</groupId> 54 <artifactId>unoil</artifactId> 55 <version>3.0.1</version> 56 </dependency> 57 58 <!--jodconverter2.2.1必须依赖slf4j-jdk14必须这个版本,不然源码中日志会报错,很low的一个问题 --> 59 <dependency> 60 <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> 61 <artifactId>slf4j-jdk14</artifactId> 62 <version>1.4.3</version> 63 </dependency> 64 65 <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba/fastjson --> 66 <dependency> 67 <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> 68 <artifactId>fastjson</artifactId> 69 <version>1.2.35</version> 70 </dependency> 71 72 <dependency> 73 <groupId>commons-fileupload</groupId> 74 <artifactId>commons-fileupload</artifactId> 75 <version>1.3.1</version> 76 </dependency> 77 </dependencies>
1 package org.spring.springboot.util; 2 3 import java.io.File; 4 import java.util.regex.Pattern; 5 6 import org.artofsolving.jodconverter.OfficeDocumentConverter; 7 import org.artofsolving.jodconverter.office.DefaultOfficeManagerConfiguration; 8 import org.artofsolving.jodconverter.office.OfficeManager; 9 10 public class Office2PdfUtil { 11 12 private static Office2PdfUtil office2PdfUtil = new Office2PdfUtil(); 13 private static OfficeManager officeManager; 14 // 服务端口 15 private static int OPEN_OFFICE_PORT[] = { 8100, 8101, 8102, 8103 }; 16 17 public static Office2PdfUtil getOffice2PdfUtil() { 18 return office2PdfUtil; 19 } 20 21 /** 22 * 23 * office2Pdf 方法 24 * 25 * @descript:TODO 26 * @param inputFile 27 * 文件全路径 28 * @param pdfFilePath 29 * pdf文件全路径 30 * @return void 31 */ 32 public static void office2Pdf(File inputFile, File pdfFile) { 33 34 try { 35 // 打开服务 36 startService(); 37 OfficeDocumentConverter converter = new OfficeDocumentConverter(officeManager); 38 // 开始转换 39 converter.convert(inputFile, pdfFile); 40 // 关闭 41 stopService(); 42 System.out.println("运行结束"); 43 } catch (Exception e) { 44 // TODO: handle exception 45 e.printStackTrace(); 46 } 47 } 48 49 public static void stopService() { 50 if (officeManager != null) { 51 officeManager.stop(); 52 } 53 } 54 55 public static void startService() { 56 DefaultOfficeManagerConfiguration configuration = new DefaultOfficeManagerConfiguration(); 57 try { 58 configuration.setOfficeHome(getOfficeHome());// 设置安装目录 59 configuration.setPortNumbers(OPEN_OFFICE_PORT); // 设置端口 60 configuration.setTaskExecutionTimeout(1000 * 60 * 5L); 61 configuration.setTaskQueueTimeout(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24L); 62 officeManager = configuration.buildOfficeManager(); 63 officeManager.start(); // 启动服务 64 } catch (Exception ce) { 65 System.out.println("office转换服务启动失败!详细信息:" + ce); 66 } 67 } 68 69 /** 70 * openoffice的安装路径 71 * 72 * @return 73 */ 74 public static String getOfficeHome() { 75 String osName = System.getProperty("os.name"); 76 if (Pattern.matches("Linux.*", osName)) { 77 return "/opt/openoffice.org3"; 78 } else if (Pattern.matches("Windows.*", osName)) { 79 return "C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenOffice 4/"; 80 } else if (Pattern.matches("Mac.*", osName)) { 81 return "/Application/OpenOffice.org.app/Contents"; 82 } 83 return null; 84 } 85 }
private static int OPEN_OFFICE_PORT[] = { 8100, 8101, 8102, 8103 }; 这个是openoffice的端口,默认是 {8100} ,写入多个是为了开启多个Openoffice服务,加快多线程转换的效率。 7.接口类FileController
1 package org.spring.springboot.web; 2 3 import java.io.File; 4 import java.io.IOException; 5 import java.util.ArrayList; 6 import java.util.Iterator; 7 8 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; 9 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; 10 11 import org.spring.springboot.bean.FileBean; 12 import org.spring.springboot.util.Office2PdfUtil; 13 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; 14 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; 15 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; 16 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; 17 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; 18 import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; 19 import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartHttpServletRequest; 20 import org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver; 21 22 import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; 23 24 25 @RestController 26 @RequestMapping("file") 27 public class FileController { 28 29 @GetMapping("list") 30 public String getFileList() { 31 return getFileName(); 32 } 33 34 public static String getFileName() { 35 String path = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\src\\main\\resources\\static\\filelist"; // 路径 36 File f = new File(path); 37 if (!f.exists()) { 38 System.out.println(path + " not exists"); 39 return null; 40 } 41 42 ArrayList<FileBean> files = new ArrayList<>(); 43 44 File fa[] = f.listFiles(); 45 for (File fs : fa) { 46 if (fs.isFile()) { 47 FileBean fb = new FileBean(fs.getName(), fs.getName().split("\\.")[1], String.valueOf(fs.length())); 48 files.add(fb); 49 } 50 } 51 return JSON.toJSONString(files); 52 } 53 54 @PostMapping(value = "preview", produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8") 55 public String getPreview(@RequestBody String fileName) throws IOException { 56 String sysDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\src\\main\\resources\\static\\filelist\\"; 57 File inputFile = new File(sysDir + fileName); 58 String outputPath = sysDir + "temp"; 59 File temp = new File(outputPath); 60 // 目录不存在,创建目录 61 if (!temp.exists()) { 62 temp.mkdir(); 63 } 64 File outputFile = new File( 65 outputPath + "\\" + fileName.split("\\.")[0] + "_" + fileName.split("\\.")[1] + ".pdf"); 66 // 如果转换后的文件已经存在那么不需要再次转换 67 if (outputFile.exists()) { 68 return fileName.split("\\.")[0]+ "_" + fileName.split("\\.")[1]; 69 } 70 //方法一:用com.artofsolving 71 //OpenOfficeUtil.office2Pdf(inputFile, outputFile); 72 //方法二:用org.artofsolving 73 Office2PdfUtil.office2Pdf(inputFile, outputFile); 74 return fileName.split("\\.")[0]+ "_" + fileName.split("\\.")[1]; 75 } 76 77 @RequestMapping("/upload") 78 public String upload2(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 79 throws IllegalStateException, IOException { 80 // 创建一个springmvc上传文件解析器 81 CommonsMultipartResolver multipartResolver = new CommonsMultipartResolver(); 82 // 判断 request 是否有文件上传,即多部分请求 83 if (multipartResolver.isMultipart(request)) { 84 // 转换成多部分request 85 MultipartHttpServletRequest multiRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; 86 // 取得request中的所有文件名 87 Iterator<String> iter = multiRequest.getFileNames(); 88 while (iter.hasNext()) { 89 // 记录上传过程起始时的时间,用来计算上传时间 90 int pre = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); 91 // 取得上传文件 92 MultipartFile file = multiRequest.getFile(iter.next()); 93 if (file != null) { 94 // 取得当前上传文件的文件名称 95 String myFileName = file.getOriginalFilename(); 96 // 如果名称不为“”,说明该文件存在,否则说明该文件不存在 97 if (myFileName.trim() != "") { 98 System.out.println(myFileName); 99 // 重命名上传后的文件名 100 // String fileName = "demoUpload" + file.getOriginalFilename(); 101 // 定义上传路径 102 String path = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\src\\main\\resources\\static\\filelist\\" 103 + myFileName; 104 File localFile = new File(path); 105 try { 106 file.transferTo(localFile); 107 } catch (IOException e) { 108 e.printStackTrace(); 109 } 110 } 111 } 112 // 记录上传该文件后的时间 113 int finaltime = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); 114 System.out.println(finaltime - pre); 115 } 116 } 117 return "/success"; 118 } 119 }
1 package org.spring.springboot; 2 3 import java.io.File; 4 import java.net.ConnectException; 5 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; 6 7 import org.spring.springboot.util.Office2PdfUtil; 8 import org.spring.springboot.util.OpenOfficeUtil; 9 10 public class Main extends Thread { 11 private int index; 12 private CountDownLatch latch; 13 14 public Main(int index, CountDownLatch latch) { 15 this.index = index; 16 this.latch = latch; 17 } 18 19 @Override 20 public void run() { 21 super.run(); 22 String str = String.format("5m_%s.doc", index); 23 long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); 24 work(str); 25 latch.countDown(); 26 System.out.println(String.format("文件%s解析耗时:%sms", str, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - time))); 27 } 28 29 public static void main(String[] args) { 30 CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(50); 31 Office2PdfUtil.startService(); 32 for (int i = 1; i < 51; i++) { 33 new Main(i, latch).start(); 34 } 35 try { 36 long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); 37 System.out.println(String.format("开始")); 38 latch.await(); 39 Office2PdfUtil.stopService(); 40 System.out.println(String.format("所有文件解析耗时:%sms", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - time))); 41 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 42 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 43 e.printStackTrace(); 44 } 45 } 46 47 public static void work(String fileName) { 48 String sysDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\src\\main\\resources\\static\\test\\"; 49 File inputFile = new File(sysDir + fileName); 50 String outputPath = sysDir + "temp"; 51 File outputFile = new File( 52 outputPath + "\\" + fileName.split("\\.")[0] + "_" + fileName.split("\\.")[1] + ".pdf"); 53 Office2PdfUtil.office2Pdf(inputFile, outputFile); 54 } 55 56 }
CountDownLatch可以监测多线程运行结束。第30、32行的数字是设置解析的文件数量。 9.python生成多个有内容的文件代码也一并奉上
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 def gen_file(path,size): 3 #首先以路径path新建一个文件,并设置模式为写 4 file = open(path,‘w‘) 5 #根据文件大小,偏移文件读取位置 6 file.seek(1024*1024*size)#姑且以MB为单位吧 7 #然后在当前位置写入任何内容,必须要写入,不然文件不会那么大哦 8 file.write(‘\x00‘) 9 file.close() 10 11 12 13 for i in range(100): 14 gen_file(‘E:/5m_‘+str(i+1)+‘.doc‘,5)
以上都是测试代码,项目中这么写是要挨批的。完全是为了做个笔记,免得下次又要到处找。 四、页面
这里面坑确实不少,不过我觉得主要在于pdf转换这一步:1.jodconverter-core 3.0-beta-4 这个包的maven依赖貌似下载不了2.com.artofsolving.jodconverter与org.artofsolving.jodconverter这两个包傻傻分不清3.openoffice免费的嘛,你懂得,转换效率不敢恭维,慢得很,而且并发支持并不好4.用com.artofsolving.jodconverter的话转换几十个文件,动不动就没有规律的会卡着不动,等半个小时依然没有反应,必须杀掉openoffice进程才能重来,试了很多次,org.artofsolving.jodconverter没有发现这个问题。5.多个文档转换的时候,打开openoffice服务和关闭openoffice服务都只需要调用一次。不然每次都开开关关的很无语。