
Apply Functional Programming Principles

Functional programming has recently enjoyed renewed interest from the mainstream programming community. Part of the reason is because emergent properties of the functional paradigm are well positioned to address the challenges posed by our industry‘s shift toward multi-core. However, while that is certainly an important application, it is not the reason this piece admonishes you to know thy functional programming.

Mastery of the functional programming paradigm can greatly improve the quality of the code you write in other contexts. If you deeply understand and apply the functional paradigm, your designs will exhibit a much higher degree of referential transparency.

Referential transparency is a very desirable property: It implies that functions consistently yield the same results given the same input, irrespective of where and when they are invoked. That is, function evaluation depends less — ideally, not at all — on the side effects of mutable state.

A leading cause of defects in imperative code is attributable to mutable variables. Everyone reading this will have investigated why some value is not as expected in a particular situation. Visibility semantics can help to mitigate these insidious defects, or at least to drastically narrow down their location, but their true culprit may in fact be the providence of designs that employ inordinate mutability.

And we certainly don‘t get much help from industry in this regard. Introductions to object orientation tacitly promote such design, because they often show examples composed of graphs of relatively long-lived objects that happily call mutator methods on each other, which can be dangerous. However, with astute test-driven design, particularly when being sure to "Mock Roles, not Objects", unnecessary mutability can be designed away.

The net result is a design that typically has better responsibility allocation with more numerous, smaller functions that act on arguments passed into them, rather than referencing mutable member variables. There will be fewer defects, and furthermore they will often be simpler to debug, because it is easier to locate where a rogue value is introduced in these designs than to otherwise deduce the particular context that results in an erroneous assignment. This adds up to a much higher degree of referential transparency, and positively nothing will get these ideas Fas deeply into your bones as learning a functional programming language, where this model of computation is the norm.

Of course, this approach is not optimal in all situations. For example, in object-oriented systems this style often yields better results with domain model development (i.e., where collaborations serve to break down the complexity of business rules) than with user-interface development.

Master the functional programming paradigm so you are able to judiciously apply the lessons learned to other domains. Your object systems (for one) will resonate with referential transparency goodness and be much closer to their functional counterparts than many would have you believe. In fact, some would even assert that the apex of functional programming and object orientation are merely a reflection of each other, a form of computational yin and yang.

By Edward Garson










时间: 2024-10-09 08:33:50



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97. 在LotusScript中模拟函数式编程

本文将介绍96. 通用字段修改器用到的在LotusScript中模拟函数式编程的技巧. 函数式编程 函数式编程是一种优美而强大的编程范式.它源于Alonzo Church提出的λ演算(Lambda演算),而某个问题能表示成Lambda演算,按照Church–Turing论题,等价于该问题在数学上是可以有效计算的.粗略地说,用对应于Lambda演算的一门函数式程序语言可以写出任何理论上可计算问题的计算程序.因为与可计算理论的紧密关系和强大的表现力,函数式编程在学术界历来很受重视.但是在日常应用的软

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原文地址:Functional-Light-JS 原文作者:Kyle Simpson-<You-Dont-Know-JS>作者 关于译者:这是一个流淌着沪江血液的纯粹工程:认真,是 HTML 最坚实的梁柱:分享,是 CSS 里最闪耀的一瞥:总结,是 JavaScript 中最严谨的逻辑.经过捶打磨练,成就了本书的中文版.本书包含了函数式编程之精髓,希望可以帮助大家在学习函数式编程的道路上走的更顺畅.比心. 译者团队(排名不分先后):阿希.blueken.brucecham.cfanlife.d


1.客户需求重于个人简历客户需求至上.为了自己的简历更炫而采用新技术是沽名钓誉,往往事与愿违. 2.  简化根本复杂性 ,消除偶发复杂性根本复杂性指的是问题与生俱来的.无法避免的困难.偶发复杂性是人们解决根本复杂性的过程中衍生的.分析问题好比拨云见月.水落石出.架构师的责任在于解决问题的根本复杂性,同时避免引入偶发复杂性. 3.  关键问题可能不是出在技术上大多数项目是由人完成的,人才是项目成败与否的基础.学会尊重他人,给予团队成员充分的信任,是聪明的架构师获得成功必须掌握的核心技能.团队同心,

Python核心编程读笔 9:函数和函数式编程

第11章 函数和函数式编程 一 调用函数 1 关键字参数 def foo(x): foo_suite # presumably does some processing with 'x' 标准调用 foo(): foo(42)  foo('bar')  foo(y) 关键字调用 foo(): foo(x=42)  foo(x='bar')  foo(x=y) 即明确给出相应的参数名 2 参数组 Python允许程序员执行一个没有显式定义参数的函数,相应的方法是通过一个把元组(非关键字参数)或字典

从函数式编程异常处理到薛定谔类型 -- 函数式编程本质(I)

首先说明一下 这里并不打算展开讲函数式异常处理 因为这篇文章的主题是介绍薛定谔类型. 关于前者我推荐medium上的一篇文章"Functional Error Handling". 本文很大程度上是受到这篇文章的启发 一句话来说 很多语言都有自己函数式处理异常的方式 也许你已经用过了 只是没有认识到这一点而已: Typescript的Union类型 Swif的Option类型 Haskell的Maybe类型 如果要给这种类型下个定义 那就是薛定谔类型(非公式说法) 怎么用薛定谔类型处理


1 客户需求重于简历和个人兴趣 ,选用合适的技术,保证服务的稳定性,易用性. 2 明白业务的关键点,简化根本复杂性,避免为了解决问题引入偶发可用性. 3 技术只是项目的一部分.沟通,合理有效的沟通很重要. 4 沟通的简明清晰,开明的方式,与团队里面的人合作 . 5 架构决定了应用的性能 6 了解需求的意义,事件的意义,为目标努力,而不仅仅是需求.把最优价值的摆在首位 7 架构师最重要的是沟通,起立发言,考虑完善推动事情. 8 故障终究会发生.合理设计故障防范模型. 9 需求讨论或者其他的讨论,也