Hot Code Replace Failed 2010-11-05 10:11listquiry | 浏览 14226 次 Some code changes cannot be hot swapped into a running virtual machine, such as changing method names or introducing errors into running code.The current target virtual machine {jboss4Ser
用TortoiseSVN: 1.在本地working copy中,用TortoiseSVN->Show log查看版本库的历史记录.可以用search. 2.找到删除该文件或者文件夹的版本,在Logmessage里右键Revert the changes from this revision. 3.该文件或文件夹就被恢复到本地的working copy中了.如果是误删除的,commit到Repository里就行了. 用Eclipse的Subclipse插件: 1.用Team->Show SV