leetCode 91.Decode Ways (解码方式) 解题思路和方法

A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the
following mapping:

‘A‘ -> 1
‘B‘ -> 2
‘Z‘ -> 26

Given an encoded message containing digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it.

For example,

Given encoded message "12", it could be decoded as "AB" (1
2) or "L" (12).

The number of ways decoding "12" is 2.


思想是判断当前判断当前值是否为0,不为0则f[i] = f[i] + f[i-1];

然后当前值和上一个字符能否组成26以下的输,能这与f[i] = f[i] + f[i-2]。


public class Solution {
    public int numDecodings(String s) {
    	int[] f = new int[s.length()];
    	char[] c = s.toCharArray();
    	if(c.length == 0){
    		return 0;
    	f[0] = c[0] > '0' ? 1:0;

    	if(c.length == 1){
    		return f[0];
    	int k = c[0] > '0' && c[1] > '0'? 1:0;
    	f[1] = k + (c[0] == '1' || c[0] == '2' && c[1] <= '6' ? 1:0);

    	for(int i = 2; i < c.length; i++){
    		if(c[i] > '0'){//第一个元素大于0,添加情况
    			f[i] += f[i-1];
    		if(c[i-1] == '1' || (c[i-1] == '2' && c[i] <= '6')){
    			f[i] += f[i-2];

    	return f[c.length-1];


时间: 2024-10-12 05:00:16

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