Effective Java 74 Implement Serializable judiciously

Disadvantage of Serializable

  1. A major cost of implementing Serializable is
    that it decreases the flexibility to change a class‘s implementation once it
    has been released.

    If you accept the default serialized form, the
    class‘s private and package-private instance fields become part of its
    exported API, and the practice of minimizing access to fields (Item
    ) loses its effectiveness as a tool for information hiding.

    It is possible to change the internal
    representation while maintaining the original serialized form (using

    ObjectOutputStream.putFields and
    ObjectInputStream.readFields ), but it can be difficult and leaves visible
    warts in the source code.

    stream unique identifiers (serial
    version UIDs)

    If you do not specify this number explicitly by
    declaring a static final long field named serialVersionUID , the system
    automatically generates it at runtime by applying a complex procedure to the

    The automatically generated value is affected
    by the class‘s name, the names of the interfaces it implements, and all of

    its public and protected members. If you fail
    to declare an explicit serial version UID, compatibility will be broken,
    resulting in an InvalidClassException at runtime.

  2. A second cost of implementing Serializable is
    that it increases the likelihood of bugs and security holes.

    Objects are created using constructors;
    serialization is an extralinguistic mechanism for creating objects. Relying on
    the default deserialization mechanism can easily leave objects open to
    invariant corruption and illegal access (Item 76).

  3. A third cost of implementing Serializable is
    that it increases the testing burden associated with releasing a new version
    of a class.

    When a serializable class is revised, it is
    important to check that it is possible to serialize an instance in the new
    release and deserialize it in old releases, and vice versa.


  1. Classes designed for inheritance (Item
    ) should rarely implement Serializable, and interfaces should rarely
    extend it.

  2. If the class has invariants that would be
    violated if its instance fields were initialized to their default values (zero
    for integral types, false for boolean, and null for object reference types),
    you must add this readObjectNoData method to the class.

    // readObjectNoData for stateful
    extendable serializable classes

    private void readObjectNoData() throws
    InvalidObjectException {

    throw new InvalidObjectException("Stream data


If a class that is designed for inheritance is
not serializable, it may be impossible to write a serializable subclass.
Specifically, it will be impossible if the superclass does not provide an
accessible parameterless constructor.

You should consider providing a
parameterless constructor on nonserializable classes designed for inheritance .

// Nonserializable stateful class allowing
serializable subclass

public abstract class AbstractFoo {

private int x, y; //
Our state

// This enum and field
are used to track initialization

private enum State {

final AtomicReference<State> init = new

public AbstractFoo(int
x, int y) { initialize(x, y); }

// This constructor
and the following method allow

// subclass‘s
readObject method to initialize our state.

AbstractFoo() { }

protected final void
x, int y) {

(!init.compareAndSet(State.NEW, State.INITIALIZING))

throw new
IllegalStateException("Already initialized");

this.x = x;

this.y = y;

... // Do anything
else the original constructor did



// These methods
provide access to internal state so it can

// be manually
serialized by subclass‘s writeObject method.

protected final int
getX() {
checkInit(); return x; }

protected final int
getY() { checkInit(); return y;

// Must call
from all public and protected instance methods

private void
checkInit() {

(init.get() != State.INITIALIZED)

new IllegalStateException("Uninitialized");


... // Remainder


// Serializable subclass of nonserializable
stateful class

public class Foo extends
implements Serializable {

private void
readObject(ObjectInputStream s)

throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {


// Manually
deserialize and initialize superclass state

int x =

int y =



private void
writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)

throws IOException {


// Manually
serialize superclass state




// Constructor
does not use the fancy mechanism

public Foo(int x, int
y) { super(x, y); }

private static
final long serialVersionUID = 1856835860954L;


Inner classes(Item
) should not implement Serializable.
A static member class can,
however, implement Serializable.


Unless a class is to be thrown away after a short
period of use, implementing Serializable is a serious commitment that should be
made with care. Extra caution is warranted if a class is designed for
inheritance. For such classes, an intermediate design point between implementing
Serializable and prohibiting it in subclasses is to provide an
accessible parameterless constructor.
This design point permits, but
does not require, subclasses to implement Serializable.

Effective Java 74 Implement Serializable judiciously

时间: 2024-11-05 12:20:06

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