solr schema.xml Field属性详解

<field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false" />







multiValued=true|false 是否包含多个值,即一个名字可以被多个document所用。

omitNorms=true|false这是个高级选项。设置为true,省略与这一field相关的规范(这将禁用长度规范化和索引时间权重( index-time boosting for the field),并节省一些内存)。仅仅用在全文本field。

termVectors=false|true 如果设置为true,则包含了所有的term vector 信息。通常用的属性有:
termPositions=”true”:存储 term vector中的地址信息,会消耗存储开销。
termOffsets:存储 term vector 的偏移量,会消耗存储开销。

omitTermFreqAndPositions=true|false 如果设置,省略掉freq和term vector中的地址信息

omitPositions=true|false如果设置,省略掉term vector中的地址信息


Common options that fields can have are...
The default value for this field if none is provided while adding documents
True if this field should be "indexed". If (and only if) a field is indexed, then it is searchable, sortable, and facetable.
True if the value of the field should be retrievable during a search, or if you‘re using highlighting or MoreLikeThis.
True if this field should be stored using gzip compression. (This will only apply if the field type is compressible; among the standard field types, only TextField and StrField are.)
True if this field may contain multiple values per document, i.e. if it can appear multiple times in a document
This is arguably an advanced option.
Set to true to omit the norms associated with this field (this disables length normalization and index-time boosting for the field, and saves some memory). Only full-text fields or fields that need an index-time boost need norms.
termVectors=false|true <?> Solr 1.1
If set, include full term vector info.
If enabled, often also used with termPositions="true" and termOffsets="true".
To use interactively, requires TermVectorComponent
Corresponds to TV button in Luke, and V field attribute.
omitTermFreqAndPositions=true|false <!> Solr1.4
If set, omit term freq, positions and payloads from postings for this field. This can be a performance boost for fields that don‘t require that information and reduces storage space required for the index. Queries that rely on position that are issued on a field with this option fail with an exception. Prior to <!> Solr4.0 the queries would silently fail to find documents.
omitPositions=true|false <!> Solr3.4
If set, omits positions, but keeps term frequencies


时间: 2024-10-19 15:32:13

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