COMP20008 Oral Presentation

COMP20008 Oral Presentation
V1.0: 18th April 2019
Due Dates
Week 11 (20th - 24th May) (10%): 5min oral presentation plus 2min questions. Presentations
will be scheduled to occur during the workshop you are officially enrolled
You must upload your slides (a pdf file) to the LMS at least 2 hours before your oral
presentation workshop starts. (Turnitin will be used).
The objectives of this assignment are
To gain an appreciation of the variety of open datasets that are available, and what
data wrangling methods might be applied to them.
To gain experience making an oral presentation on a topic related to data science.
To practice the initial ”pitch” phase of a data science project.
Hypothetical Scenario and Objective
The Victorian Department of Innovation has announced a summer internship program. Interns
will spend 3 weeks with the Department over the summer, working on a project that
aligns with the theme Using open data for understanding the liveability, inclusiveness, health
and sustainability of communities in Victoria.
The internship selection process requires each applicant to make a 5 minute pitch. The
purpose of the pitch is for the applicant to propose a pilot investigation using open datasets
and data wrangling, which aligns with the above theme and which they would perform over
the 3 week internship period.

COMP20008作业代做、代写Oral Presentation作业、代做Java/c++语言作业
The purpose of the internship program is to facilitate and showcase demonstrations of
ways in which open data can be wrangled to help understand issues which are important for
communities within Victoria. Either in terms of liveability, health, inclusiveness, or sustainability.
You are an internship applicant who has been invited to make a 5 minute pitch. You must
propose a question that aligns with the above theme and identify at least 2 open datasets
that could assist in answering the above question. You must also explain which wrangling
techniques could be applied to these open datasets to address your chosen question, what
information might be revealed, why that might be interesting for addressing the question and
who might care.
This project will be done individually. You will need to
1. Choose an objective that you would like to investigate (liveability, inclusiveness, health
or sustainability).
2. Select a community granularity (all of Victoria, Melbourne, a particular region with
Victoria, a collection of regions, ..)
3. Propose a question relating to your objective. Some questions may relate to multiple
objectives, but this isn’t a requirement.
4. Identify which audience would be interested in an answer to this question and why.
5. Identify at least 2 open datasets (or more) that can used together to help shed light on
this question.
6. Propose a list of data wrangling tasks on these datasets, which would take an intern
approximately 3 weeks (40 hrs/week). This includes an explanation of what techniques
(data pre-processing, transformation, integration, correlation, analysis, visualisations
and prediction) would be applied, what their purpose would be and what information
they could reveal to address the question.
7. Deliver a 5 minute oral presentation, to persuade the hiring panel that you should be
selected as an intern to undertake this work for 3 weeks over the summer.
You are not expected to do any coding or wrangling on your chosen datasets.
Rather, the purpose of your presentation is to make a pitch for why the Department
should hire you as an intern for 3 weeks to do this work.
Examples of questions
You have considerable freedom in selecting a question. The key aspect is to explain how it
connects with understanding any of the aspects of liveability, or inclusiveness, or health or
sustainability of communities in Victoria. Some indicative examples that provide a flavour
(n.b. these are not exhaustive):
Is there sufficient health services availability for residents in Victoria? (health)
Which suburbs in Melbourne need new sports facilities? (inclusiveness, health)
Is population growth in Victoria impacting access to transport? (sustainability, liveability)
Is there a relation between household income and access to education across Victoria?
Is access to green spaces an important factor in the success of Melbourne’s restaurants?
What are the key factors influencing the adoption of recycling technology in Melbourne?
Is there a correlation between the amount of pollution and socio-economic level in rural
regions across Victoria? (liveability, inclusion, health)
The LMS Project page has a list of repositories that can be used as a starting point for finding
datasets. Data from any of these is fine to use.
The AURIN platform contains an abundance of open datasets relevant to Victoria and which
you are welcome to choose to use. A recording of Prof Richard Sinott is provided on the
LMS, giving a lecture to COMP20008 students in a previous year about how AURIN can be
You are also welcome to use other datasets that have been made publically available by
reputable entities, or which are readily available via a registration process open to University
of Melbourne staff/students.
You should not select datasets that have been illegally obtained or published (E.g. data
violating copyright permissions or that has been hacked).
If in any doubt as to whether a particular dataset is ok to select, please post a question
on the discussion forum or contact the subject Head Tutor for clarification.
Oral Presentation format
In your workshop you will make a short (5 minute) oral presentation (pitch). You will be
expected to develop slides in powerpoint or pdf. Presentations will occur during the workshop
you are registered in and held during Week 11 (20-24 May). The detailed schedule will be
advertised on the LMS.
Presentations should be 5 minutes in length plus 2 minutes time for questions.
The presentation should be a set of slides (between 5 and 10 in number) produced using
Powerpoint or similar software and should include some visual material. Have your presentation
ready to display on the computer using a PDF file. Do not include videos or animations or
interact with external websites (instead could use screenshots or figures in your presentation).
In the presentation, you should cover the following points.
1. What is the research question and how is it related to the theme of understanding the
liveability, inclusiveness, health and sustainability of communities in Victoria?
2. Why is it worth tackling (i.e. motivation) and who would care? In what respects might
it provide innovative information (you do not want to have a question which is trivial,
or for which the answer already publically exists and can be readily found)?
3. What are the two or more open datasets you could use and why? What is their format,
size and what information do they contain? Can they be linked together, and if so how?
4. What data wrangling methodologies could you use to investigate your research question?
Be specific about how they could be applied on your selected datasets.
5. What could be achieved by using these data wrangling methodologies? What would be
output/product of the wrangling (type of data, graph, table, statistic(s), ...)? How will
this add value compared to having just the raw data?
6. What might be the challenges and risks for undertaking this work?
The oral presentation component is worth 10% of your overall grade for the subject. Students
who have workshops scheduled later in the week will have slightly longer to prepare than
students who have a workshop early in the week. We will take this into account when
calibrating marks across the class.
– Did the presenter address points 1-6 above in a clear, logical, comprehensive and
persuasive way?
– How clear, well defined and specific are the topic and question?
– How clear is the description of the proposed datasets and does it help the reader
to easily get a better understanding of the data?
– Would the proposed investigation be likely to generate new information? (An
example of an investigation which wouldn’t, is one where the answer to the question
is straightforwardly on a web page/document/article found via a Google search).
– Were the presentation slides clear ? (We will also look at your slides. Please submit
your slides PDF as outlined on the first page, by the due date.
Presentation mechanics
– Did the presenter communicate the purpose and outcomes of the talk early enough?
– Did the presenter communicate the structure of the talk?
– Did the presenter show progression and connection between the parts of the presentation?
– Did the presenter use visual resources well?
– Did the presenter use language suited to the assessor?
– Did the presenter use voice well and make eye contact with the assessor ?
– Did the presenter allow sufficient time for the presentation?
– Did the presenter allow sufficient time for questions?
– Was the presenter familiar with the topic?
– Did the presenter handle questions well?
Extensions and Late Submission Penalties: If requesting an extension due to illness, please
submit a medical certificate before the submission deadline to the lecturer. If there are any
other exceptional circumstances, please contact the lecturer with plenty of notice. Late submissions
without an approved extension will attract a penalty of 10% of the marks available
for that phase per 24hr period (or part thereof) that it is late.
E.g. Late submissions without an approved extension will attract the following penalties:
0 < hourslate <= 24 (1 mark deduction)
24 < hourslate <= 48 (2 marks deduction)
48 < hourslate <= 72: (3 marks deduction)
72 < hourslate <= 96: (4 marks deduction)
96 < hourslate <= 120: (5 marks deduction)
120 < hourslate <= 144: (6 marks deduction)
144 < hourslate: (10 marks deduction)
where hourslate is the elapsed time in hours (or fractions of hours).
The oral presentation is expected to require approximately 10-12 hours work. As a rough
guide, 6-8 hours might be required for determining an appropriate question and relevant
datasets. The remainder (4-6) hours spent on preparing slides for the presentation.
Academic Honesty
You are expected to follow the academic honesty guidelines on the University website
A project discussion forum has also been created on the subject LMS. Please use this in
the first instance if you have questions, since it will allow discussion and responses to be seen
by everyone.

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:[email protected]



时间: 2024-07-30 18:42:34

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