Common Element in Two Sorted Sets

There are 2 sorted sets.Find the common elements of those sets 
o/p C={5,6}

Complexity should ne 0(n+m) where n and m is the size of the first and second set respectively

Which data structure should be used to store the output

List<int> FindIntersection(int[] A, int[] B)
         int L = A.Length;
         int K = B.Length;

         List<int> intersectionArr = new ArrayList<int>();
         int i = L - 1;
         int j = K - 1;

          while ((i >= 0) && (j >=  0))
                 if (A[i] > B[j])
                 else if (B[j] > A[i])

          return intersectionArr;
时间: 2024-10-11 10:16:54

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redis之sorted sets类型及操作

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